This post requires audience participation......the more we hear from YOU guys out there in internet-land, the better this post will be. We can all learn from each other.
Over the past few years we have become much more conscious about what we put IN our bodies. Real ingredients, no pesticides, no hormones, no "fake stuff".
We aren't perfect, but we try our best to keep the bad stuff out when we can.
The better we got at paying attention to what goes in our bodies, the more I became interested in what we put ON our bodies. My 6 year old has very sensitive skin, and it really got me searching for the right products, without harmful and irritating ingredients.
We aren't 100% natural.....just like our food--we try to do our best--but I don't stress out about not being "all natural, all the time".
Let's dive right in and start out talking about our armpits. (yay!)
Fun fact: I sweat like a beast--I always have. I'd like to think it's because I'm so active......but I'm most likely also sweating when I'm watching TV in the wintertime, it's just how I was made
(so feminine, right?)
I've always sought out the most potent antiperspirants available, but maybe you've recently read one of the [many] reports over the last few years about links between the aluminum in antiperspirant and breast just makes me think. alot. I have tried a few "natural" brands of deodorant and hated them all--they felt weird, smelled weird, and did nothing.
And then I found
Jungleman All-Natural Deodorant
I's called Jungleman! I have never seen so many reviews for a deodorant. And it only has 4 ingredients! Now here is the thing--if you are switching from an antiperspirant to a deodorant......
you are going to sweat. Our bodies are
supposed to sweat, but I promise this stuff keeps you from being stinky (did I ask my husband to smell my armpits....yes I did). We will see how I feel about it when summer temperatures start to make me drip....but for now I am a believer.
(ps for some reason the price shows up as $9something. There are a few other sellers on that same page that list it for less expensive)
Moving on.
I never thought I'd talk about makeup on the blog, I am pretty clueless when it comes to the stuff, but I use
Bare Minerals Makeup
. It's easy to apply, and the ingredients list is a fraction of what you'll find in some of the more popular drug store brands.
homemade coconut body butter
For everything!!
Remember my
homemade body butter? I live in this stuff. If I don't have a batch made, I just use straight coconut oil as lotion--it feels good and you can't beat the smell.
I also take my mascara off with coconut oil, and whenever I straighten my hair I smooth it down with just a little bit. (I have very thick, very coarse hair. If you have fine hair, go easy on the oil)
Another way to use coconut oil that has become really popular over the past few years is
Oil Pulling. Have you heard of it? I tried it last year and I have a craaaaazy gag I struggled with it.
The more I hear about it though....I think I might have to give it another try.
If you are hardcore, maybe you use Apple Cider Vinegar instead of shampoo? I have waaaaaaaay too much hair and need my shampoo, but luckily I was recently introduced to
Devacurl Hair Products. 
They are free of sulfates and parabens and help keep your hair healthy. Also--if you have curly hair I promise you THESE are the products you want to be using. My hair is so much easier to manage, and SO much healthier since I've switched over.
If you don't need curly specific products, check out
Loma Organics
for another great option.
Speaking of
Apple Cider Vinegar....what do you use it for? (and I highly recommend the
brand--I've tried a few different brands and this one by far tastes the best). I feel like everyone has their own tips and tricks. I've recently been using it a few times a week [diluted with water] as a toner on my face. We take a spoonful daily during this cold and flu season [and by daily I mean we try for daily but half the days we forget.] Check out
THESE uses for ACV.
from Canada two summers ago....just because I needed some kind of "natural" know.
Let's talk about our faces. Most of you know I was on antibiotics on and off for three years for Lyme disease. While they did their job for lyme (yay!) they also realllllllly messed me up. My face has never ever been the same. My skin wasn't perfect before, but it's a constant mess now, and over the past few years I have tried just about everything on the market--natural--and far from it. I haven't found anything that works (sad face). It's frustrating when I eat fairly clean, drink TONS of water, and really try my best to take care of myself.....and I am constantly pizza face. Last summer I started reading up on the
Oil Cleansing Method, and researched, researched, researched, and it pretty much sounded like the miracle I'd been waiting for. After much research, I used a combination of
Jojoba Oil
, Rosehip Oil
, Castor Oil
. I tried it for about 2 months....and nothing.....I actually felt like my skin was [oddly] more dry, and my acne stayed the same.
Yet I STILL hear about it's wondrous miracles all the time--people SWEAR by it. Are you a believer? Teach me your ways! I really want it to work. I still love the jojoba and rosehip oil and will put a few drops on before bedtime a couple nights a week during this dry winter.
Any one else out there acne prone?
I'd love to hear what works for you.
For my kids--I used to get away with just using
Dr Bronner's Soap
for everything--head to toe. We still use the soap (we always have it in the shower), but they both have too much hair and I don't love it as a shampoo for big kids. Like I mentioned above, my daughter is very sensitive to everything, so I really have to be careful about what she uses. We have loved
Kiss My Face Whenever Shampoo
and Kiss My Face Whenever Conditioner
. I was hesitant at first spending $15 for shampoo for my kids, but I just made sure they knew to only use a little bit, and this bottle is so big it has lasted forever. And it has been great for my sensitive gal and her crazy tangly hair.
I asked on Facebook what some of YOUR favorites were. I was happy to see that many of you shared my favorites, but here are a few suggestions that I am really interested in.
Grape Seed Oil
. I have heard so much about the benefits of grape seed oil for your skin.
Shea Moisture
. I had never heard of this line (also carried by Target) but just the scents alone have me intrigued.
Helpful Tips:
*I found this website last year--
Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep. I've enjoyed checking some of the products that we use and see how they rate--some not so awesome, and I know I can look for better options, and some things we love rate very well.
*Check out Elisabeth's blog--I especially like these
6 simple steps. I love the idea of not rushing out and replacing everything all at once--just use up what you have and then look for better replacements. Baby steps.
*Don't stress. I don't see us ever living a 100% natural life, and I am 100% ok with that. Don't let someone else make you feel bad because they "use more natural products" than you do. Who cares. I saw a "recipe" for natural toothpaste the other day, and it had coal it. It made me need to go brush my teeth over and over with my minty un-natural toothpaste. oh well.
What would you add to the list? Tell us your favorites!