100 posts!!!
I can't believe I did it! I dreamt up this little blog back in December.....and it's still here!
YOU are still here!!
Thank you so much for coming every day.....it wouldn't be the same without all of you! I wish I could bake cookies and share them with everyone.....but you all live much too far away.
I would still like to say thank you.....somehow.
How about a giveaway??
Yes! Let's do it! The Little Red House's first giveaway ever!

Something from MY SHOP (did you know I had a shop?), or a photograph from this blog that may not have been added to the shop....
Leave a comment (any comment!)--just say hello, and you'll be
entered to win any print/postcard set of your choice!
Comments will close Wednesday at 8:oopm (MST)
Thank you again for reading!
Happy Monday!
happy 100:)
happy to have found this lovely little space, can't wait to read more.
congrats on making it to 100! I enjoy reading your blog and I absolutely love your food photos!
i love your blog, and i hope you never stop!
thanks for a great blog & darling photos!
I love your blog!! SO cute and so fun. Also, you have amazing photography skills. Thanks for sharing with us everyday!
YaY 100! I love your photography ever since I found it on flickr. Then I found your shop, which I heart too! Love the simpleness they reflect in addition to your love of photography.
You will be at 200 posts before you know it!!!!!
what a great monday perk! I love your "summer" print!
Congrats! I was just looking at your shop last night and thinking I 'needed' something. Even better to win it!! :)
Just stumbled upon your blog a week or two ago. Congrats on the 100!
you are wicked talented and I would LOVE to have one of your prints...
I love your photography. I found your photo blog through another blog and enjoy it so much!
congrats on post 100! you have such a lovely space here! so glad to celebrate it with you :)
Reading your blog is my home away from home while I'm at college. Though sometimes your food makes me mad because I can't make it :(!
Just stumbled upon your blog last week and am thoroughly enjoying it. Congratulations on your 100th post!
Recently found your blog as well!
Love it!
i love your blog and your talks about food, and you adorable heading picture :) Congrats on your 100th post!
Congrats! Your blog will be here for a long time, it's great!
100 posts in 4 months? Wow. It took me a year and a half to get that many. Congrats and keep writing! This is one of my favorite blogs to read. It makes me soooo happy :]
love you, your blog and your photography. congrats on 100 posts. i've loved reading them!
awww...happy blogging!! thanks for letting us be a part :D
I"d be happy with anything from your shop, love your talent!!! hooray for 100 posts and for letting us all come along for the ride!
You are inspiring!
happy 100...looking forward to 100 more!
yay for 100!
Your blog is my blog's hero.
Happy 100 posts to you and your adorable blog! I love stopping by your blog for inspiration, gorgeous photos, and yummy recipes!! Definitely one of my favorites!!! xoxox Holly
Yes, Happy 100! It took me a year to get that far. I love your photography. You do beautiful work.
Wow! 100 already?
I want to WIN! :)
Happy 100! I was just looking at your shop the other day and trying to decide which prints I like best. How fortuitous!
I love your blog!! Love the recipes, pictures of your home, all the things that you love. Thanks for sharing each day.
Happy 100! Loving your blog, and photos and updates!
Keep it up! I love reading your entries :)
hi sheena!
my word verification is "prood" :)
I love a good give away..I'll keep my eyes, legs, toes and fingers all crossed..sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't..hope it does this time..
i hope i wiiiiiin
100 creative and charming blog posts. Yay! Ive been blog-stalking since i found out about Iris and Light last year. Im a BIG fan and looking forward to working with you guys this summer :)
Sheena! congrats on 100 posts! I've never won a giveaway before, maybe this will be my lucky day :)
love you blog, your photographs, and your witty writing...keep it up girl!
I'm not much of a blog hopper, but I stumbled upon your blog a few days ago and love it! I think we have similar photo elements and a similar outlook on life. Cheesy cheesy.
I love your blog and your photography! Your writing is great and I love all the yummy (and easy!) recipes you post. :)
Happy I found your blog.... it brightens my day!
Congrats on 100!! Love your blog, it just makes me happy :)
happy 100! what a great ride, for everyone involved!
congrats on making it this far!!
I myself am working to gain readership and friends via bloggin...but I'm not close to that 100. Hopefully someday!
I love your beautiful blog....each post makes me happy!
love your photos!! congrats on 100!
Keep the posts coming! Your blog entries are a bright spot in my day :o)
P.S. You're photography is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous...thanks for sharing it with us!
Happy 100 to you!
I poked around your shop and found that Head in the Clouds is my personal favorite--kind of how I'd like to be right now, except this homework is bogging me down:)
i want to win please!
Woohoo for 100 posts! And woohoo for a giveaway! Love it. I am having a very happy Monday. Loving the sunshine!
i love your photos, so naturally i want to win. ;)
happy 100.
i love your blog.
You are always so positive. I enjoy reading your blog.
I read your blog everyday because it's a fun read! Keep up the great work! :)
it's all those pretty pictures that keep me coming back! I'd love to put one up on my wall :)
Wow! Super-impressed over here. 100 posts since Dec? You are amazing!
happy 100, sheena! please keep them coming!
would LOVE some of your photography!
Yay! I cant believe you have 100 posts already and I have been bloogging a year and might have 20. Oh dear.
Love your blog! Love your photography!
It took me a whole year to come up with 100 posts and it took you a few months. Way to go! Miss ya!
Hooray! I would love to hang one of your photos in our new apartment! Congrats on the 100 posts!
hip hip hooray! happy 100th!!
i would love to win! pick me!
Hola! I love this blog so much!
I've been reading this blog for awhile. I was in Brittany's ward at BYU-I and she posted a link to your blog awhile ago and I couldn't stop reading. I'm glad you blog so often!
yay for you!...and yay for giveaways! wednesday i'm turning 25. i'll be pouting around in my quarter life crisis, so maybe a sympathy gift my direction? :) congrats on 100!
o glad for you and your 100! Thanks for your great blog.
Hi! I found this blog through my friend Erin when she posted Friday feet and I love it! Your photography is beautiful and your take on food inspires me to be healthier. And after reading your posts and this article http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35315651/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/
I think I'm going to go organic in a lot of things.
Thank you for blogging!
Oh Happy 100th Post Sweetpea!
I am also celbrating my 100th post! Yeah! we can celebrate together!
Hope you'll pop over for a visit!
Can't believe you have written 100 post since December!
Happy 100! What fun! :)
Woohoo! Way to go with 100 posts already!
Happy 100! And... I would like to win please. That is all.
wow Happy 100 blogging post! And so many comments! :-) I wish you many more blog posts!
Happy almost Spring!
Hi! I like your blog and your photos. I hope I receive something from you. <3
Cheers! Here's to 1000 more!
i've beem following your photography for a while now. love your style and use of light.
Congrats on a hitting the big 100!
Wow, 100 already?! Nice job, Sheena!
I would love to win something! Happy 100!!
loving your blog. congrats on 100!
Happy 100th post!!! I love your blog so much! It is one of the great things I look forward to everyday...tea and the little red house!! xoxo
hello hello! congrats on your 100th post. i have loved every one! :D thanks for being such an inspiration!
congrats! i love your work and this place you've made. here's to many more!
Happy 100! Thanks for giving me something to read everyday at work. And thanks for all the great recipe ideas. Hope life is grand for you! :)
Congrats Sheena! Thanks for sharing your darling life with us!
I could use some cards. I have run out of thank you cards since my birthday in February.
Hi! You have the cutest blog and I think you should never stop blogging!
I am a "newbie" to your blog and I LOVE it!!!
Thank you.
Happy 100!!!!
Let's see if we can get 100 comments on your "100 posts" post! We are almost there! I thoroughly enjoy your blog, each time. Adds a little bright spot in the day. I'll keep coming back (and not just cuz you are doing a giveaway!)!
Thanks for making me laugh every day! You are awesome!
Love the blog!! I am a big fan of yours, you always amaze me!
SHERA!!!!!! i love you and all your creative wonderfulness -i hope i win the freebie -
yours truly jenny brown
Happy 100th! Time flies when you're having fun.
I got on here just in time...yay! These are so beautiful. PS- I wish I had something helpful to offer with you health too. I think it's a great idea to talk about your blog and hopefully make some helpful contacts. Best of luck! That must be so difficult...esp as a mother of two little ones.
UM I think I am the 100th comment. HOLLA! Happy 100 Sheena!
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