Let's talk about journals....shall we?? I'm already nervously sweating little drops of guilt.
After we got married, I would go though journaling, and non-journaling periods. The same with after the kids were born. Each journaling break would get longer and longer. And now I'm lucky if I write a few times a year.
It's so sad to me!! What has happened?? I'll tell you what has happened. The internet. It is a bazillion times easier for me to sit down and type something than is is to grab a pen (where's a pen!) and write it down. Not to mention I have the worlds worst handwriting.
The good thing is, I take photos every single day. We have SO many pictures!! I love looking back at every little thing we have done. But I still believe that writing is important too. (While I may try), I cannot take a picture of everything I come across...... so I am trying the best I can to start writing in my journal again. My hand may cramp up and fall off.....but at least I tried.
I'm lucky enough to teach the neighborhood girls that I go to church with (ages 8-11) a couple times a month about all my favorite things (cooking, baking, making things, general creativity:), and I decided to teach them about journaling. Do kids even use pencils these days? I thought we'd make our own journals....even more reason to write in it when you make it yourself!!

I love the little size, and got to thinking.....what if rather than full on journal entries, I just wrote a few one liners a day. The highlights. My own little book of tweets and status updates. And they are REAL, tangible words. Not hidden away on the www somewhere.....right there in front of me to read back whenever I please.
So I thought maybe you would like one too.....maybe??
Will you love it, and write in it every day? Just a sentence.
It is nothing fancy, but it should do the trick.
If you would like a chance to win,
leave a comment with ONE THING YOU HAVE DONE TODAY.
Anything. It will be your first one-lined entry.
Today I ate a banana.
Today I wiped my nose.
I really wish the wind would stop blowing my hair in my face.
You see? Anything goes.
You have until Friday at noon to enter.
And if you want to tweet/blog/facebook/bedazzle this giveaway, you can have another entry....is that how that works? I always get confused at that part of giveaways.
as always, thank you for playing.
Today I asked my husband to call me in "tired" to work today. Sadly, my ploy did not work. :(
As always, gorgeous photography today. Thank you for the wonderful craft idea!
Today I was organised and spent my saved time catching up with a friend. I like the idea of journaling but only writing short notes, otherwise I find it is too much pressure to write *everything*!
Today I ate oreos for breakfast.
Today I saw the cutest old lady at the gas station.
Today I am wearing navy & black, & I love it!
wow! Super cute!
I showered today. Woohoo!
Sarah M
this morning, i got real sweaty at the gym! felt good.
Today I ...
Put a sparkly clip in my hair to make myself feel better after spilling a pot of coffee all over the stove.
Today I woke up to the sounds of the blowing wind outside.
When I had my first baby, a lady in my parent's ward gave me a journal and instructed me to keep it in the kitchen cupboard. She said as a mother, I would spend a lot of time in the kitchen and the journal would be readily available to write down the funny, sweet, mean, cute, frustrating things my kids say. Such great advise.
I have the same calling at church, I work with the 10-11 year old girls.
I love to journal! Like you I have done the off and on thing. Computer has made it so much easier.
Today I slept until 8:15!
Today I feel nauseous and gloomy.
Today I will be nervous for my husband since he has a big presentation at work.
I bet you are the best Activities Day leader ever!
Today I woke up to the sun shining relentlessly in my face and wished for a cloudy snowy day :)
Today I wore a bracelet my mom gave me. It has elephants on it. They are my favorite.
today i woke up early.
What a fantastic giveaway! I just love this idea..! :) I am horrible at putting pen to paper, but I am always watching my five-year old son take his "notes" about the world in his various journals. Even at 5, he is jotting down anything that strikes him, which I think is just the cutest. I should take a cue from him on this one, right? :) OK, here is my one liner for this morning:
Today I took my son to school. :)
(That's the only thing I've done thus far hehe!) Thanks for the giveaway!
xoxox Holly
Love this idea. Today, I went to yoga and had iced coffee.
(For the past 4 days, Boston put a hold on all tap water due to contamination.. so this was the best darn iced coffee I've had in a while!)
You're the activity day girl--- how FUN for them! I was just released from that---
today I….. well the day is still incredibly young for me… because today, like every day… my husband let me sleep in.
Today I ate a bowl of oatmeal with frozen berries..YUM!
Also posted on facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=871770297
Love the blog!
This morning I chose to wear my chacos, even though it was 29* and sunny, and I rode down hill on my bike.
today i have changed 3 diapers...and counting. and it's olny 10 am...
Awesome, I love it.
Today I woke up early to feed the babe. Today we are making and sending a package to our cute birth mom for birth mother's day. I can feel it's going to be a great day!
Today I watched the new LDS Church's NieNie video and cried.
Today I got up too early thanks to my seven month old teething son. Played with him a bit and when my husband got back from teaching seminary, I went back to bed. Plus today I'm considering giving up sleep training. It sucks!
Today I started the couch to 5K program. Maybe I should have stayed on the couch.
today i made blueberry muffins at preschool.
today i was taken out to lunch by my mother in law.
today i'm going to the dentist.
ps. this is so cool!
Today I finished my 2008 Blog Book that I made on Blurb and felt so proud of myself.
Have you ever thought about turning those words and pictures your shooting to the www into something tangible? I'm no spokesperson for Blurb, but I've been impressed with their quality and pricing. I write a lot, but post A TON of pictures too because I think sometimes they tell stories that I can not. Anyway, just an idea.
Love your little journals! Very cute!
Today I caught up on the blogs I follow on Google Reader while listening to my Owl City radio station on Pandora :)
I have recently been thinking a lot about journaling and getting the guilty feeling- this is a great idea for a jump-start!
Today I finished my last college class ever! It's completely surreal.
Thanks for the chance to enter!
those are darling!!
today is my anniversary and i had a diet coke for breakfast! ;-)
Today I washed 5 loads of laundry before 12:00.
Today I finally cooked the ravioli and pesto that's been in my fridge for a month (Thank you Sam's Club!)
Today I feel better.
Today I sanitized the house and sheets.
Today I have hope.
(We've been down and out with the flu and hope we're on the mend.)
Today I got to see my mom for the first time in three weeks.
Today I ate the most amazing honeydew melon.
Today was my second day of work, and did amazingly well!
- Sam
Today I started my new job!
Today, after reading the other comments entered for your giveaway, I shared it on Facebook:
And asked for others to not only enter, but read all of the fabulous comments as well. :)
Today I...
Decided it's time to record my grandpa's stories on a tape recorder and make a CD for my family. It's about time.
today i listened to robert plant
Today I made a quiche.
Today I made our realtor cancel the deal on the house we were going to buy.
Today I really enjoyed reading my scriptures.
Today I ate homemade tostadas with my dad on the porch and listened to quiet more than each other. It was a nice day. Hope everyone else had a good one as well...
What a great idea!! Love this!! hmmm... today I had enough energy to make dinner, do the dishes, and make a healthy (ish) version of peach cobbler. yum!
Today I baked Banana Muffins, Cinnamon Swirl Bread and Welsh Cakes with my 21 month old daughter.
Blogged about it here: http://frugally-yours.blogspot.com/
And FBd it here: http://www.facebook.com/erin.bolokoski?ref=profile#!/erin.bolokoski?ref=profile
Today I blew up at the kids when bedtime got delayed, and quickly apologized...because it was not their fault I was tired and grumpy.
Today...I had a rough day
Today....... I cried
today i washed a lot of clothes.
i didn't fold them.
Today I worked on a project I have been putting off for a long time. Feels good!
Today I reset my alarm and bought myself an extra half hour of sleep.
love the idea sheena - should do this every day
Today I accepted my new scar as a beauty mark and mourned the loss of my belly button.
Today I sang really loud in the car.
Today I love May snow.
Tomorrow I will have an equally as successful day.
today, i have eaten a lot of food.
today, i didn't drink any coffee.
today, my belly button is now sticking out of my stomach (pregs :)
giveaways really bring the readers out of the woodwork! :)
today i talked to my mom.
Today I bought a bicycle!
today, i had a job interview.
Today...I found your blog, and I think its so cute.
I hope you dont mind that I wrote here without knowing you.Your pictures are beautiful, and your recipes seem so yummie, so I am sure, I ´ll check you blog more often since now.
Have a good day!.
Lots of love for Madrid, Spain.
Today I woke up with terrible bed head.
...am on my second cup of coffee (and still don't feel like I'm fully awake...)!
Today I'm planning on spending the entire day sewing just because I can...true story!
today I pulled an all nighter.
it's finals week for college kids.
cut my husbands hair. over fives inches gone!
Today, I wish my allergies would just hit the road Jack, and don't ya come back.
Today I had dinner with my aunt and we gabbed for about 4 hours.
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