woohoo for friday! here is a little peek at our week....
seeing: snow. yep. snow. the last few mornings we've woke up to fresh white stuff on the mountain. luckily it's staying up there (I mean c'mon.....it's May), but we are definitely ready for some warmer temperatures....and soon please.
counting down: 15 days left of school for the kids!! We have all given up on getting to bed on time, and they have been playing outside every night until sundown....I have lost all control.
not missing: sugar. If you read my post yesterday, you saw that I am studying this whole Whole 30 business. I love so many things about it, and while I don't think I'll be doing the 30 day program any time soon, (I'm still super hung up on so much meat) I committed myself to this whole week and it's been great. My favorite part has been coming up with new meal ideas--so many vegetables! I don't eat a ton of sugar during the week usually, but I thought I might miss my dark chocolate after dinner or peanut butter and chocolate chip spoonful at 4:00 that sometimes accidentally happens. (tell me it happens to you too) I really haven't missed it. Who knows--maybe I'll have a treat this weekend, maybe not, but it feels good to know that sugar doesn't have a hold on me like it once upon a time did.
thanking: you guys! I LOVED all of your comments on yesterday's post--thank you thank you for chiming in! It's so great to learn from each other.
thanking: you guys! I LOVED all of your comments on yesterday's post--thank you thank you for chiming in! It's so great to learn from each other.
sleeping: under one billion trillion stars last weekend. If you haven't seen the stars in the desert, then you haven't seen the stars.
watching: I basically didn't watch any tv these past few months--2014 has been pretty much tv-less. The few times we turned it on I felt like everything was dumb.....is that true these days? Are there any shows worth watching anymore?
loving: In last month's natural beauty post, I briefly mentioned Aztec Secret Clay
. I have been using it since then and really loving the results. My skin still has a ways to go, but it is clearing up better than it has in years. I'll do another post on it in a month or so--but seriously check it out. I mix it with THIS
--my very favorite apple cider vinegar.
exploring: new places last weekend--every time I visit the desert I love it even more (I'll share a few more snaps next week)
asking: ok someone teach me about essential oils. I know I am really late to the game here, but I am so interested in them, and have no idea where to begin--
brand/favorite oils/must have/etc.
you guys are always so smart--teach me.
brand/favorite oils/must have/etc.
you guys are always so smart--teach me.
Go Green Juice
this one is a zinger--one of my new favorites! bonus: stir in some chia seeds
-3 big handfuls of spinach
-1/2 of a cucumber
-1 large piece of pineapple
-handful of parsley (I am loving parsley in juice!)
1 lemon, peeled
1/2" piece of ginger
Do you have a favorite juice right now?
happy weekend!
and happy mother's day mamas!
(a favorite mother's day post HERE)
and happy mother's day mamas!
(a favorite mother's day post HERE)
blogged 1 year ago: tiny flock
blogged 2 years ago: worth 1000
blogged 3 years ago: friday senses
I'm happy to see you blogging more frequently now that your semester is over. I always love your posts.
I had been interested in EOs for a while too before a friend gave me some samples from DoTerra. You just need to get your hands on some so you can try them out. I would recommend starting with just 2 or 3 bottles of commonly used ones like lavender, peppermint, and lemon. If you like them, then build your collection from there. You'll also need a carrier oil for dilution. I usually just use coconut oil.
Lavender is definitely the most used in my house. Amazing for burns and other skin issues. I'm currently using it blended with frankincense and grapefruit for a healing scar. I also use peppermint + lime in a roll-on bottle with fractionated coconut oil for headache or fever reduction. I use this ALL the time...whenever I have a stiff neck, stress headache, whatever. Clary Sage for menstrual issues. I also use them to make lovely massage oils for a date night at home. Some oils have aphrodisiac qualities and others are good for sore muscles, and some just smell nice, you know.
A note about safety: when EOs are used improperly they can be very harmful. Get a good book to use as a reference and guide--it should list different oils and tell you how much they need to be diluted in a carrier oil. I have "Modern Essentials" which is an ok book, but it's geared toward DoTerra, which means it includes DoTerra's recommendations for internal use. Most other companies do not recommend any essential oil for any internal use except under the care of a physician. There are better books out there, for sure.
Favorite brands: DoTerra is good, yes, but they are VERY expensive and I just don't have a budget for them. Lately I've been using Plant Therapy (planttherapy.com). So far I've been satisfied with their products, but I've only tried a few. they which has great ethics, as I read about here: http://tinyurl.com/kj4u6wj Subscribe to their newsletter and you'll get a coupon code at least every moth. And shipping is always free.
I agree with the tv thing. We watch some here and there, but really most everything looks like a waste!
I am brand new to the oils thing myself, but what little I know, I feel SO good about. It just makes sense to use natural oils, from plants, that are from God, to heal ourselves. I chose DoTerra because they are CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE oils. Most of their oils can be taken internally. And from my experience lots of other brands cannot. I agree, try lemon, lavender, and peppermint and then go from there.
Lemon is good to help detoxify our bodies. We ALL need to detoxify.
PS. Love your photos of the desert. We went to the desert last weekend too and I already want to go back!
I love Young Living Essential Oils! They are based in Utah and all organic. I don't use them as faithfully as some of my friends, but what I use and when I do, they work so well!!! Good luck as you embark on the essential oils journey! I am live in Alabama and we have a local website called The Lemon Drop Lounge. It's got lots of great information on YLEO's!!
I'm a doterra user too, though I will be the first one to tell you that I don't believe that there is a true church of essential oils. There are LOTS of companies making extremely good oils. I do believe there are also lots of companies making essential oils that are either impure or not as potent as they could be. You just have to find a company that YOU trust. Oils are incredible healers. There's a great A-Z index on everythingessential.me where you can look up which oils to use for what ailment. Lavender is a good one to start with...soooo many uses.
I LOVED this post! It was motivating and wonderfully inspiring.
P.S. It's good for mom's to lose control when summer is near . . . kids need to let loose :)
I recently made the investment into DoTerra and love all the oils! If you go with DoTerra, I recommend the Family Physicians kit... It has everything you could possibly need!
Okay, I love how you talk about fad diets. You crack me up! I myself took three days to eating whole foods. No bread, no sugar, etc.
Except the recipes I had weren't too good. It makes me not want to do it ever again. Do you have any resources I could look to for stuff that tastes good?
Also, this whole30 business seems so related to the mediterranean diet. I think that is one of the best lifestyle ways to eat, and I usually try to keep that lifestyle in mind when cooking.
I really like grains...... I believe in grains. Maybe I could go 30 days without it, but I can't ever understand what the benefit is.
So, I'm a little scared to comment, but here goes... I've been using essential oils for 15-ish years now and I love them. After taking them internally for allergies (on recommendation from a friend) I experienced burning in my esophagus, stomach, and other sad places for several days. We are talking PAIN sister! After that nasty experience, I started researching, like I should have years ago. What I've come to learn is that EOs are a powerful medicine and should be used with knowledge, respect, and care.
#1 They have not been proven to be safe internally. And, most of the world, who have been using EOs for hundreds of years longer than the United States, caution against internal usage. They can damage internal organs, mucus membranes, and in extreme cases cause death.
#2 The term "Certified Therapeutic Grade" is a trademark for an MLM company. There is no actual certification as EOs, like supplements, are not currently regulated. And, all EOs are therapeutic grade as they are used for therapy. See what they did there?
#3 There are several essential oil companies out there that sell fantastic oils. Google 3rd party essential oil testing and you can see how they match up. In some cases those MLM "Pure" companies don't prove to be so pure. I'm not ragging on DoTerra or Young Living as I do like their oils, but I do take issue with them teaching that they are the only pure oils on the market and that's why you should spend so much money on them. Their marketing doesn't always pan out when scientifically tested.
#4 While it's awesome to learn from friends, family, and neighbors, sometimes info shared isn't the best and in some cases not safe. For example: everyone said rub clove on my teething baby. If you study clove oil you learn that it isn't recommended for children under 2. It can damage mucus membranes, cause skin sensitivities, and can inhibit blood clotting. Learn from actual aromatherapists, not your neighbor's aunt's dog-walker trying to make money from home. Do your research. Get a good oil book that is NOT affiliated with one specific oil company. There is one by Robert Tisserand that is pretty much the bible of EOs. (I'm still saving for that book, it's crazy expensive.) Another good author is Valerie Ann Worwood. There are some great oil groups on Facebook. One is called Using Essential Oils Safely and they have tons of files full of info you can study. The moderators and many people commenting are actual aromatherapists. Spend some time on the internet. Just keep in mind that old adage, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
#5 Most oils work better when diluted into a carrier oil. That sounds counter-intuitive but it's been proven. Never use oils "neat" aka full strength on children. Kids can be allergic to some oils. I like coconut oil.
Anyhoo, there's my 50 cents... or $5.00. Eeek, sorry. If you ever want to talk more about EOs, grab Monnie and Ali and we can get dinner or something.
^ That should have said, I like to use coconut oil as my carrier oil. Sheesh.
TV show totally worth watching: Call the Midwife...season 1 & 2 on Netflix. It really is so moving, and based on actual memoirs of a midwife in the poor section of London in the post war era.
agree on those stars!!! we were heaven sleeping under them last month.
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