I am sooooooo very excited for tonight!! Glee is back!! When it started last year--I avoided watching it. I try to limit my tv watching so I just ignored it. But then I saw a few pieces here and there, and I couldn't deny my love for musicals anymore. I caught up with all the episodes last fall on Hulu (maybe in one night....), and I have been counting down the days until it returned ever since!!
If only I could break into song and have all my problems disappear....
are you watching?
post edit: speaking of tv watching....I recently read that the average person watches 151 hours of tv a month. WHAT??? Turn your tv off people!! But it did make me curious.....I added a poll to the left sidebar to see how you all are doing--be honest!!
(haha, we got hooked through hulu, too). I CAN'T WAIT. Shhh don't tell, but my husband loves GLEE too. ;) We are having a date. On our couch. Tonight!
I too am soooo excited. I love it!!
of course we are watching!!! Definitely one of my favorites. :) And my husband loves it as well, but we won't tell. ha!
yessssssssssssss!!! i'm so excited. i'm definitely a GLEEK!
I can't lie. I watched every single episode of the 1st season. Love.
It's so funny that you posted this... on Sunday the bf and I decided to have a TV free week, and starting yesterday we aren't going to turn on the tv till the 19th.
It was SO nice not turning on the tv all day - at lunch instead of sitting and watching crap, I ate, then read. After I got back from work we listened to music and I puttered around the apartment, getting things done that I've wanted to do for weeks.
It's awesome!! Everyone should try a tv free week every now and then.
Confession: When i woke up groggy at 6:50 this morning the fact that Glee was on tonight was my first thought. Then I texted my sister "happy glee day." So pathetic... so yes, I am quite excited.
Holy cow!!! I watch 1-2 shows a week, if I am in the mood and totally bored. Luckily, TV bores me like crazy, so I've never had that problem.
I've seen an episode or two of glee. It is hilarious.
I am definitely NOT the average person, I probably don't even break 6 hours a week... HOWEVER, I am a Gleek and will be tuning in tonight!
Oh boy do I love Glee!! I can't wait for the episode tonight!!
I'll for sure be watching! I'll admit, I love my shows. Glee is great! Tuesdays are our big T.V. nights! Lost, American Idol, Biggest Loser, now Glee! AHH! We usually boot American Idol out because our DVR can't record it all at once. We watch the shows recorded through out the week.
I can't believe I just told you how much TV I watch.....
Soooo excited for GLEE!!! Btw, I love your blog :) Glee will make any blog stalker comment! hehe
really? 151 hours? wow. that makes you stop and think. and it makes me glad that there is zero tv in my life during the summer. at least that part of the year is safe.
love the poll!
i think it depends. there are a few shows that i really love. glee is one. and ryan and i watch fringe together. and i have one more tv show that i really like and it's called in plain sight. other than that, i can take it or leave it. sometimes when i'm editing i listen to music, podcasts or tv. i'm not watching it, but it's on in the background. i think i like the noise. but does that count?
and what's the difference between tv and a trashy novel?
151 hours? Yikes! I'm probably not much better. I do LOVE Glee and have it all set to record tonight. The music really is the best!
The Glee rendition of "Don't Stop Believin'" may very well be my favorite version of all time...
Glee, Castle and Lost are the ones I don't like to miss! Give me a show with fun banter, and I'm all about it.
And the hubby loves Modern Family so I have recently started watching that with him. I don't do too much watching in the summer either.
I can honestly say I've never heard of Glee. We moved out to a farm in the middle of nothing and we never hooked up the TV. It has been great! Now if you asked how much time I spend on the computer(blogging) that would be a sad confession.
So, I just marked on your poll that I don't watch any tv. This is mostly true, because we don't have our tv hooked up to pick up channels. But I didn't take in to account the movies we watch instead. Silly me. Still, we watch a very tiny amount of tv in this house.
It's kind of crazy how much tv people are watching daily, weekly, and monthly. Before we moved into this house I was probably one of those who watched a higher number of hours. But I'm glad I'm not watching much at all now. I like the quiet that comes from having the tv off more than on.
151 hours -- that's insanity! i've never really counted... so this will be good for me (cause i started watching a lot more tv after i got married haha).
I think lately I've been averaging 151 hours of blog reading a month - that's ok, right?!!!!
I'm madly in love with Glee - my fella always says their singing sounds overproduced and just "not real". I say I like my musicals with a healthy side helping of fantasy! Have to wait til next week to see it - over in the UK we're a week behind you guys.
I LOVE Glee! I missed it last night because I took some nausea medicine before I remembered it was on, I slept through the whole darn thing :( luckily it's on another channel tonight!
I kinda know what you mean, I never really watch any TV at all, I just spend my time on the computer of talking on the phone. But when Glee came out I was always there for every episode. Of course at first I missed the first few, but I absolutely loved it. And yes I did watch it yesterday. wasn't it amazing?
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