Scenes like this make my heart pitter patter.
Garage sales and outdoor markets are starting up for the year and I am soooooooooo...
...ooooooo excited.
(your welcome coca cola for the free ad)

I seriously think I have issues. There are a few things that I cannot pass up buying, and old books is one of them. Do I need them?? no. Do I HAVE to have them because they are 50¢....YES!
-The Running of the Tide: I bought it because it was in good shape, a good color, and I am still obsessing over that font!
-The Yellow Boat. It is adorable. They boy loved reading it, and I loved the cute illustrations.
-Cowboy Tommy. (1933!!) It is so cute. And so politically incorrect it's hilarious (right now we're at the part where Tommy meets the Indian family:)
-What Will We Eat Today? I collect old cookbooks. And I loved the lady on the front.
Roy Rogers. uhhh....ok I bought it for the sole purpose that is was cute.
You guys. What if I become a hoarder??
Someone call Oprah.

But I have no regrets after buying this little red chair to go with the boy's (previously thrifted) little blue desk. (although I do regret not making his bed before I took this photo, whoops, and 3 years later I am still terribly regretting that sickening paint color....)

So, in conclusion:
1. I get really excited when I see junk out in peoples yards.
2. I may or may not become a hoarder someday, because I can't say no to cheap adorable books (really though, when do I stop....I will not just pass them I sell them?? my mom just laughed at that)
3. The boy's room. Cute chair, vomit inducing walls.
the end.
YAY! Thrifting! I am off to the great little thrift stores near my house today with my mom and sister. Oh, and books. I love them too! But aren't we allowed to buy as many as we can when they are a QUARTER?! I mean, come on. The kids books are my absolute favorite and the icing on the cake is when I find one with an inscription in it! :) I love books with history. Happy thrifting!
love it! We live in Rexburg going to BYU-I and we love at the end of the semesters. We go dumpster diving! You should check out our pictures!
Thrifting is so much fun - what good finds. And if you ever decide to sell that Roy Rogers book I'd love to take it off your hands. My father would love it!
I'm with you! Old books are the best and I love that little red chair :) Happy thrifting!
That chair looks AWESOME! Wow, good job.
Haha. I'm right there with you! I've been going to two flea markets a month this year and it's like I just can't get enough! lol. LOVE IT. :)
Bre @
I love thrifting, but I need help!!! I'm from so. ca. where you just had to walk out your front door to find a good garage sale. Now I live in a community where they are few and far between. Where are some great flea markets to start with in sl?
totally. those scenes are the best.
and i also can't help stockpiling vintage children's books. why are they so irresistible?
and that font IS worth obsessing over.
ps. thanks for understanding. i'm so glad charly's getting extra hugs. what a cutie. (we always used to say, 'it's a good thing you have a cute face' to ours. especially when she was in trouble.)
If only we were all obsessed with design blogs three years ago, maybe we would have known to keep are walls clean and light. I have the same color in my toy room. Seriously the same. And mine was only two years ago, so I have a lesser excuse.
in conclusion--- even if you have green walls you're a hipster. Because you have a rad blog, rad hair, and rad photos.
oh my gosh my name is Sara and Im a thriftaholic too!! True Blue. I just cant help myself! So many amazing unique things that can become mine :) and Im loving that chair so so cute
Love the Cookbook! I am missing out, it seems. I bet there is some good stuff out there just waiting for me. I've been really wanting to find an old mason jar full of hundred year old buttons.....
so love garage his little desk adorable
jen and her men:
this outdoor market was at abode in sugarhouse! they do it once a month!
also, just check any of the older areas on saturdays--there are SO many garage sales with good stuff! You just have to get out of the newer areas.
Sheena.. you have no choice in whether your going to be a hoarder... so don't worry about it! .. the books look so cute!
I love the idea of cleansing your home monthly and the rotation of books. The book cart is a great idea.
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