More apricots! Are you tired of them yet? no way.
These are SOOO easy! They take all day (er--all night if you forget them in the oven like I do),
but they are worth the wait!
Alot of the recipes I was finding called for anywhere from 1/2 cup to a full cup of sugar. I gave it a few squeezes of agave and they were great--I even think I could have skipped out on that. I like them a little tart!

Apricot Fruit Leather
4 cups of apricots, washed, pitted and sliced (you can use any fruit:)
Squeeze of lemon juice
2-3TBS agave nectar (optional)
Wash fruit.
Pit, and quarter.
Add apricots and lemon juice to pan.
Cook on medium low until the juices start to come out, about 15-20 minutes.
Get a bit emotional because it smells like babyfood, and you don't have babies.
Pull yourself together.
Pour onto a parchment lined pan.
Place in 150° oven for......all day.
I started in the afternoon and literally forgot about it...I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic, and when I checked them, they were perfect!
Slice, and roll.
Whoa! That is awesome! I can't believe how perfectly it came out!
we used to make fruit leather growing up and I loved it...maybe I should give it a try.
mmm. i have a ton of blueberries. thanks!
So great! I love following your blog and have tried several of your recipes...thanks for the inspiration and sharing your creativity :)
Amazing Sheena. I don't think I would ever think to try something so hard, but you made it seem easy.
And I love the pictures! Looking at the online gallery, Kevin and I were so happy. Thank you.
oh yummy. my mom used to make us these every summer...dried in the sun and with a dash of cinnamon. Yummers!
Looks delicious.
Whoa! My favorite things all in one little place. I wish my neighbor had a free for the taking apricot tree!
i love that you make these from scratch and even more that you share! i can't wait to try this out. :D
This recipe couldn't have come at more perfect timing! We're going backpacking in a couple weeks, and we just started dehydrating fruit. I'm a big sucker for fruit leather, and I would LOVE to bring these along on our trip. :)
Thanks again!
Wow this is interesting! I never knew they call this fruit leather! Looks fantastic!
Those are perfect and on my list of something to try out. I've got some peaches and a ton of blueberries so I might combine them for this. I'll let you know how it turns out.
i am so doing this.
thanks, sheena! love your pretty sink shot.. and the eye hole! classic.
I used to love these when I was a kid! And have never seen them here but would like my kids to have a taste of my childhood. Thanks for the tip!
I tried this tons of times with a food dehydrator and it always came out brittle and rice paperlike. You're look great!!
I wonder though, my oven won't go below 200. I'll just adjust the cooking time and hope they don't cook instead of drying out.
My mom used to make fruit leather all the time back when I was a kid. I really loved the stuff, too. The only problem was when bugs got stuck on the letter outside when it was drying on the table.
Not so delicious.
Looks great! How would you recommend storing them?
absolutely incredible. i'd love to feature this on my how-to series. let me know if you're interested. that last photo is just so so darling. xo.
This seems super easy and delicious. I'm making it!
I used your recipe but used pears, strawberries, and blueberries instead. So good! posted pix here: thanks for the inspiration!
found your blog via tastespotting- it's so beautiful. x shayma
Your blog is lovely. I just made this with apples and it turned out wonderfully.
Thanks so much,
Ohhh this looks delicious! I shared this on my blog today (It's National Apricot Day! haha.). I'm going to be making this soon (And I'll be sure to post about it on my blog!). Hope you're having a lovely day!
Thanks for the recipe!
So glad there are other people out there who share non sugar recipes! Going to try this in the next couple of days, thanks!
Thanks for a great healthy low fat recipe
Low Fat, Easy weight loss tips
Just used this recipe to make blackberry-apricot leather. Alas, I did use sugar, though MUCH less than a cup. It's in the oven now, and we must wait. And wait. And wait.
We live in Arizona, so I'm thinking about doing this again when it's 118 degrees outside and letting the sun cook it.
Thanks for the recipe (and the great photos -- gotta love food+art). I'll let you know how it turns out!
Thank you for Sharing this nice information it is very informatics and Very good looking blog.
It is Very nice info.............
The Cobbleroad
Hi! Why do you cook them before blending? Does that change the taste? Thanks!
Wow! That looks so delish. I want to taste it now.
Rieut sirah jeung buuk asa murulukan wae ieu teh, kunaon nya eung ? haha
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