Monday, July 22, 2013

meanwhile, back at the ranch

I picked a tiny jalapeno from our garden the other day.......the saddest little harvest.
Last summer was the year of the this point in summer we were feasting on all types of veggies--lettuce, tomatillos, carrots. Tomatoes still warm from the sun and so much zucchini we were eating it three meals a day. 
I could go out and pick our dinner right off the vine.
This year due to this and that, I planted late.......and boy has it just been hot for those poor little plants. 
We have green tomatoes that we check every day to see if they are starting to turn.....and we are celebrating our zucchini blossoms that finally decided to show up.
Maybe someday, (like right before it frosts) we will have a little garden.

I start to get discouraged, but then I remember.....
our little chickies are big girls now and we are hoping to be seeing eggs maybe as early as next month!
While the kitten doesn't provide us with anything to eat......I just know she's going to take care of the mouse I just saw run across my bathroom floor. And come on, she's just cute. 
So in replace of a flourishing garden, we have just continued to acquire animals that really make it feel like we are living on a farm sometimes (don't be surprised if we end up with goats and turkeys one day). I'm kidding, and I'm not.

(pictured: fanny, hermione, wilma)
And while it wasn't OUR cow, we have been enjoying beef we purchased from a local farmer--with cows so close I can almost hear them from my house--now THAT's the kind of burger you want to be eating.
Blue Cheese Bacon Burger
-good grass fed beef (it REALLY makes a difference, I promise) seasoned with salt and pepper and grilled to perfection
-a big heap of blue cheese
-toasted bun

I'm hoping next year we can really get it together and have our garden and our farm animals producing all at great would that be?!

What's your thing--garden, farm animals, or both?


Kasey said...

Fresh, local beef is the BEST! You will be soon be LOVING the fact that you have more eggs than you know what to do with.

All Things Neville said...

I lovngardening! I thought my garden would die in Moab, but it's still producing!

Anonymous said...

I've had the same problem with my plants and veggies this summer... It's just too hot and I've heard others have the same problem this year!

Rania {Rowan Tree} said...

I really dream of growing my own vegetables, to be able to head out and pluck whatever I want for sallad, or ingredients in food. We live in a small apartment at the moment so all I have is a tomato plant (with 3 tomatoes on it!) and a chili (that died on us) on the balcony! I also dream of a cat or two...

I hope you get to harvest some of your vegetables before it gets too cold!

Your chicks have grown so fast! they're adorable. It will be a great feeling when they give you eggs!

Daniel & Mindy said...

your chicken ladies are getting so BIG! super exciting. thats our dream. beautiful photos, as always :)

Unknown said...

I would LOVE chickens but my husband won't let me till we move out of town even though we are allowed to have them! I cannot wait. I would also love to have goats

We come from a farm family so most of our family already have a farm- one family put a lake in their back yard! My husband's uncle dug the whole thing out, took about 2 years. It is amazing and they stocked it full of fish and have a dock. You can fish and swim. It is truly paradise on their little farm feels like you have gone back in time to when things were simple. I love farm living!

Jackie said...

Upon moving into our new house, we had grand plans to have a garden. Well moving gets in the way, and you run out of time to get the seeds in. Haha. So now I'm just enjoying an herb garden ;)

Hayley said...

oh both. i need more land.

our late winter has made things slow here too. i have picked a few jalapeños and zucchini. i swear my tomatoes will never turn.

kassidi bridge said...

Both. Hopefully. Crossing my fingers that we get the chance SOON! I need more space, less desert. Hazel held a baby goat at the fair last week. She's smitten. And that burger is making my mouth water. Yum.

jenniferhoiyin said...

What a dream.. I know someone with a goat for you when you're ready! ;)

Missy said...

This gardening year has been a rough one up here. I just keep telling myself that it's ok. We've got happy kids, good adventures, and fresh eggs coming out our ears. Next year our gardens will flourish! *crosses fingers*