Thursday, December 5, 2013

friday senses

a look at our week......

feeling: colllllllllllld. We are below zero at night all week (-18° when I woke up yesterday morning!) We bundle up in layers and layers and have cocoa and tea every chance we get. But it's BEAUTIFUL. The sun has been shining, the sky so blue, the water is steaming, and there are tiny ice crystals covering trees and floating through the air like little diamonds.
It was so cold and sparkly this morning--look at this sun dog!
sharing: Remember a few months ago when I told you about my friend Kassidi? I just found out that the blog Six Sisters' Stuff is helping raise money for Kassidi's family this Christmas. Check out how you can help HERE--all you have to do is upload a recipe and they will donate a dollar! I love love love this idea--I just had to share it. People are so good. 
seeing: I was down in the city a few days ago and on the side of the road in front of me was a beggar with a sign standing out in the freezing cold. The car in front of me rolled down their window and threw the man a coat--it was put on immediately. Along with the coat the man wore the biggest smile. See? People are so good!
remembering: Speaking of cold, all of these sub-zero temperatures have been reminding me so much of growing up in Montana. When I stepped outside this morning and breathed in the ice crystals in the air, I felt my lungs burning and the insides of my nose freezing closed. Yes, my boogers. Frozen. It was oddly the most nostalgic feeling and reminded me of cold mornings waiting for the bus to come. And even more oddly, I liked it. It reminded me of high school when I'd get up early before school and unplug my car (did you know cars can plug in so you can start them when it's freezing?? It's true!!) and my sister and I would drive through the arctic dark to seminary (scripture study.) aaahhhh good times.
running: We'll see if I get a run in this weekend......but last week was soooooo good. We spent the week in Northern California. It was warm and fallish and I just love running down there.
anticipating: Wow! The internet really makes you feel behind when it comes to Christmas and decking the halls.....right? According to the www we are  super duper late, but I am so excited to fill our house with all things Christmas this weekend.
hearing: Christmas music of course! We have been listening to just a little bit of everything. I love the classics and we are all enjoying Sufjan's Christmas album this year--what are your favorite Christmas albums?
loving: here is a quick phone snap of my family on Thanksgiving (yes, 50% of us are shoeless). 
I just love my little family.
sipping: World Famous Cookbook Author Whitney Ingram posted a recipe for coconut hot chocolate on Instagram a few days ago and I just HAD to try it.
Coconut Almond Hot Chocolate 
Whitney used regular milk--so use that if you like, I was out of milk so I swapped it for almond milk. Use sweetened almond milk or unsweetened for a darker chocolate taste. 
1 can coconut milk
3 cups almond milk
8 oz chopped dark chocolate. 

Simmer coconut milk and almond milk on low heat until warm
and then stir in chocolate until melty and warm.
This cocoa is rich and creamy and so chocolaty--you are going to love it.

How was your week?
Happy Weekend!

blogged 1 year ago: trail running 101


Haley Southey said...

Below 0?! Oh my word!!! It is supposed to be 75 degrees here in Georgia today. I don't think I would be able to take it that chilly! Wow! That cocoa recipe looks wonderful. Mmmm! :)

Sara Zahn said...

Oh Sufjan. We listened to his beautiful album while we drove into the mountains to get a tree yesterday. Marry Christmas! Oh and a recomendation on music- She & Him Christmas album

Josh Solar said...

I love the Folk Angel and Drew Holcomb Christmas albums. Ben Rector's is really good, too.

Jackie Norris said...

Definitely trying that cocoa this weekend! And I miss Utah lots of the time...but not this week! Yikes!

I love Christmas music, too. Nothing will ever top the Carpenter's Christmas album for me.

Kristin said...

You have a really beautiful view in the morning.

Rania {Rowan Tree} said...

Woah, you've gotten a lot of snow! I'm jealous :( Luckily I'm heading north for christmas and most of january, so I'll get plenty of winter wonderlands.

Never heard of Sufjan, thanks for the tip! *listening intently*

Answer: oh thank you thank you! *is a little starstruck by the fact that you visited my blog AND like my photos* I hope I can keep this feeling through my entire chocolate series that I'm doing! :)

gizmodopowerball said...

Što ima, nakon što sam pročitao ovaj nevjerojatan post isto mi je drago
da podijelim svoje znanje s prijateljima.