Thursday, August 30, 2012

around the kitchen

We've spent many hours in the kitchen this week......and I love it. 
I am so happy when my hands are busy and messy with end of summer goodness.

My sweet baby girl is leaving me for school next week, and so we have been making the most of our quiet hours at home while brother has been gone. 
We spent yesterday morning baking in our was perfect.
Zucchini. Everywhere. Still. 
They just won't give up. 
I can't even tell which zucchini belongs to which plant anymore--they have grown together and formed their own community. 
So I shred and shred and shred, freezing it for fall and winter months for soups, pastas, and breads.
We are loving all the farmer's market has to offer right now. You can really get everything you need--this week we got 
peaches (of course)
and these beautiful berries.
I love my's really weird how I obsess over them....
I could play with them all day (and I do)
here we have a green zebra, radiator charlie, hawaiian pineapple
radiator charlie, green zebra, purple cherokee
and a favorite lunch right now
Whole Wheat Toast with 
Avocado, Tomato, and Goat Cheese
pictured is a hawaiian pineapple tomato and it was deeeeelicious
What's been going on in your kitchen?

Happy Weekend!


AllAmericanGrl said...

Snickerdoodle cupcakes! not healthy - but they sure taste great! haha :)

anniefargo said...

I have the same zucchini problem! I'd love to know more about your freezing extra zucchini. When you shred/freeze, do you squeeze out the excess water first? Or cook the zucchini?

whitneyingram said...

Lots going on in my kitchen. As you can assume. Yesterday was pan-seared salmon with warm mango salsa and dark hot chocolate with vanilla ice cream. And then tonight is baked eggs with chard. Just hacking away at my list...

sheena said...

@anniefargo I squeeze a little out but not much. I figure since it will most likely end up in soup it won't matter:) I freeze it raw.

Etheline said...

Wow...your kitchen adventures look delicious!! We made chocolate chip cookies this past week. A family favorite:)

Eileen said...

This sandwich is perfect for the end of summer! I can't wait until my garden tomatoes are ripe & ready for just such a sandwich. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the idea baking in pajamas ;)... that is the great thing during many things to do like baking.

Jill said...

I too live in a little red house that sits in a beautiful valley surrounded by my organic vegetable farm. In my little, bright, yellow kitchen this week I made stuffed squash blossoms, filled with with my home-made goat cheese and fragrant herbs, served along side freshly sliced, warm from the garden, heirloom tomatoes and sliced armenian cucumbers.

Allison said...

Thanks for sharing this.