Monday, October 1, 2012

dear october

dear october,
.........OCTOBER!!??? WHAT??!!! HOW??!! 
anyway, however you got here, welcome.

dear fall,
you are so nice. the colors, the breeze, the reaching for the covers at night. 
the smells, the soups, the baking, all of it. 

dear utah, 
well done on fall, friend. 
well done.

dear fallen leaves,
I love how you smell. 
I love how you look as you flutter flutter flutter so slowly to the ground.
I love how you crunch beneath my feet as I run down my favorite trails.

dear people who live in places where you don't really get to experience real fall,
I am so so 
so so sorry. 
very sorry. 
I will try to take as many pictures as I can, so I can share real fall with you.  

dear Halloween,
you know how I feel. I really like you on Halloween day--we have so much fun each year. 
but all this build up for Halloween 6.....5......4......weeks before you are even here?? nonsense. Let's take it slow, Halloween. I don't need to be with you all month. 
Am I the only one who feels this way? Don't hate me.

dear oven, 
hello again old friend. 
So nice to be spending time with you again.

well you have nothing to do with October, but boy am I excited to watch you. 
just thought I should throw that out there.

dear crockpot, 
I'm sorry you have the worst reputation. 
When I hear your name, I think of you bubbling over with cream-of-something-fake soup. 
But you really make my life easier on busy days. We just ate one of our favorites--
chicken slow cooked all day to make
and it's so easy and tasty and fresh....and contains nothing fake.
I pull out some frozen naan dough (I always double or triple the batch so I have extra in the freezer), let the chicken cook all day and chop a few veggies. So easy and fast!
Do you have any favorite slowcooker meals that make your life easier, and aren't full of fake stuff?

dear fall camping,
I really hope you happen this year......let's make it work.

dear squash, 
of all kinds,
I love to eat you roasted, in soups, in pastas, in every single way.
so happy you are here.

Dear you, yes you.
Here are some free very fallish desktop calendars just for you. 
tell your friends.

star valley wyoming

star valley wyoming

penryn, california (post from last year, here)

sincerely yours/love/with all my heart,


Book Club Girls said...

Sheena thanks for the beautiful pictures. I miss Utah so much! I get no fall and you make me yearn for it!

Laura said...

Thank you Sheena!!!! Beautiful fall colors now on my desktop. Though I will really miss those Alberta bee hives.

ali said...

I am glad someone is enjoying fall while we all sweat to death here in California. xoxo

Emily Brisse said...

Such a cute post. DEAR OVEN! I love it. :)

Scarlett said...

thank you, these are beautiful!

Julianne Blanch said...

I'm from Penryn, so I especially love that one . . . trying to figure out where this picture was exactly shot. THANK YOU!