this friday senses post is posting thursday.....oh well.
It's spring! it? Our forecast calls for snow.....
It's spring! it? Our forecast calls for snow.....
Regardless, we are seeing signs of spring each day--I just love this time of year.
quick phone snap from a recent springy run around "town"
Seeing: The grass is greening, the ground thawing. We have a tiny, odd, bush-tree in our yard and just today I noticed the littlest buds. There is snow falling on the mountain as we speak. Some kind of flower is popping up throughout the yard at random....something from a bulb. I'm anxious to see what they become.
Smelling: Cows. It's so funny hearing different people's reactions to a spring "cow smell". I love it--but I know it's because I grew up with that smell every spring, so to me it's familiar. It smells like home. Others DETEST it.....which I get....I mean... it smells like cows. But to me it means that spring is here.
Tasting: How amazing fresh eggs taste....thanks friends with chickens!
Anticipating: We should be getting our own chicks next week!
Hearing: So many birds here! And they are so loud some mornings I swear they are in my house.
Reading: The Magnificent Mountain Women. It's about women in the 1800s and early 1900s who climbed Colorado's peaks.....and some of them in dresses. Love reading about these awesome ladies. Also reading: Over the Hills and Far Away: Stories of dwarfs, fairies, gnomes and elves from around Europe. We are reading from this book each day. I wanted to study fairy tales, but was interested in some of the non-traditional as well. These stories are great! Some are fun and magical, others are quirky and odd, and it's pretty obvious why they haven't been turned into a Disney movie yet.
Celebrating: this guy's birthday this weekend!!! I love this picture of him from last summer.

Gardening: Some of you have your gardens going already....don't you?!! Oh I am so anxious to get some garden beds in up here. I want to get some greens in so badly......hopefully soon.
Homeschooling: we are learning about people who lived long long long we made some "cave art" to tell a story.
Eating: Pizza. I really like good pizza.

If you find yourself in Provo, Utah, you simply must try Slab Pizza.
The above pizza has potatoes, bacon, feta and rosemary.....fantastic!
And then below we made (these pizzas were a week apart....promise!)
Butternut Pizza
-your favorite homemade pizza crust
-drizzle of olive oil
-shredded mozzarella
-shredded smoked gouda
-roasted butternut squash
-caramelized onions
-pine nuts
and a salad with
-mixed greens
-sundried tomatoes
-goat cheese
-olive oil and balsamic

Running: Don't worry (you weren't, I know) I've been running all this pizza off. I've been able to get out a few evenings now and enjoy a quick run before dinner. I love running the quiet roads and getting myself more acquainted with the area (and the local farm animals, naturally.) I need to find a race to sign up for! What are you running this year?
please feel free to play along with Friday Senses in the comments.
Let's see what your weekend looks like--tag your instagram photos #howweweekend for a chance to be featured.
Happy Weekend!
I can't recommend the greenland gardener raised garden beds enough. Made from composite recycled material, they come apart and can go with you anywhere! I've had mine for 4+ years and they're still great! You can't use treated lumber (unless you want produce to grow in beds made from wood treated with arsenic among other who knows what chemicals), and our non treated lumber beds only last a 2 years before they decay...for the same cost as the greenland gardener beds. It's an investment either way to do a raised bed, but the payoff is worth it.
Also, what's with all the posts on pinterest with how-to's on making garden beds, nursery walls, and kitchen tables from wood pallets? Don't people know those suckers are treated with all kinds of poisonous crap? you don't want that around your food (or your baby). Ok, getting off my (non treated) soap box now.
Anyway, happy gardening! I planted mine last week, and discovered that our weather man (hates me) (lied) was wrong with predictions and it is snowing in NWA today. I'll be replanting next week after it melts. Oops! Oh well! It was a nice day spent outside regardless.
Chicks! Can't wait!!! I recommend getting medicated feed for your pullets. They die. Easily. You can medicate their water, but it's easier to buy 1 tiny bag of medicated feed and mix it in with the non medicated feed to give them a little boost without going all out.
your pizza looks uh-MAY-zin!!! dinner idea for friday night, thanks :)
seeing - lots of daffodils, all over the place
smelling - rain, simply the springyish smell.
reading - well rereading The Great Gatsby, hated it in high school, appreciated it more now. Excited for the movie to come out.
tasting - morning coffee and green smoothies, don't mix well, but so tasty on their own!
feeling - cold, so baby Penny and I are snuggling under our warmest, fluffiest blanket.
hearing - lots of laughing as our girls chase each other around the "circle" in our home. i am thankful they play well together!
Have a great weekend Sheena!
I just signed up to run the Dirty Dash in Heber on June 8th. (our anniversary) My husband ran it last year and it looks really fun! By the way, this is my first race! I've never been a lover of running, but I'm slowing starting to enjoy my morning mile at the gym. That's as far as I can get running around the small track before I go cross eyed from boredom. I need to run outside!!
i've heard slab pizza is good, we need to try it! my girlfriends and i are running the thanksgiving point 5k...that's about as much running as i can handle. it's so much fun, they do it during their tulip festival at the end of april and it's so gorgeous.
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