If are just now joining us, please go back and read THIS POST about the One by One Project.....and feel free to jump right in!
I've been slacking. I've had all these ideas for our One by One Project....and life has got away from me. I can't complain......life is good... but let's jump right back in.
So far we've worked on smiling, and small acts of kindness--both wonderful ways to benefit and bless the life of another.
This time, let's do something for ourselves.....
I like to be outside (you don't say?!!).
It gives my mind a break--
no ringing, beeping, calling, answering.
no inboxes, outboxes or bills to put in mailboxes.
no floors to mop or socks to wash.
The only responsibility I have outside is to just, BE.
Consciously breathe the air. Deeply in, slowly out.
Feel the earth below my feet.
Submerge all of my senses on a mountain, in the desert, near a river, under a tree.
Spending time in nature has changed for me over the past few years.
It used to be something I would just DO every now and then.
Now it's a part of my life--I need it, crave it. I go crazy without it.
It's more than something to do--it's part of who I am.
It's more than something to do--it's part of who I am.
We try to get out to explore at least once each week--even if it's quick
it feels so good to get out.
(really, even a half hour can really recharge our batteries!)
it feels so good to get out.
(really, even a half hour can really recharge our batteries!)
We plan larger hikes as a family throughout the year on Saturdays set aside, and we look forward to more camping and weekend adventures as we dive deeper into summer.
I've made a small list of peaks that I just have to get up this year.
And really, I look forward to just spending time simply out in the yard--laying on a blanket to read--as long as I can be outside, all will be well.
And really, I look forward to just spending time simply out in the yard--laying on a blanket to read--as long as I can be outside, all will be well.
one receives far more than he seeks"
-John Muir
I truly believe that if you add more "outside time" to your life, you will:
-be more patient
-be more calm
-improve your health--both physically and mentally
-reduce stress
-start to look at the world differently
-appreciate more
Whether it's a half hour lunch break in a quiet park,
or a weekend excursion up a mountain--I want you to get out.
we had an extra some extra time in the afternoon last Friday.....so we headed for the hills
spring is slowwwwly making it's way up the mountain.....

So here is my challenge to you:
Do it!
I'm giving you two weeks....and I want to hear about it.
Please come back to this post (or email me sheenajibson at gmail) and share how getting outside has changed you for the good.
I want to do a follow up post in few weeks highlighting some of YOUR stories--so I'm counting on you guys to participate!
Please share this message--we all know someone spends way too much time behind a desk or on the couch.....
.....let's change that.
Now, turn off your computer and get out there!
I'm giving you until May 31 to spend sometime outside
(or else.......)
The Genius Whitney Ingram tagged her outside picture on instagram #onebyonechallenge....now let's see YOUR outside pictures for the next two weeks by using the same hashtag.
Perfect timing! I was just making my Bozeman Bucket List last night, because I realized I've lived here almost 4 years and haven't experienced all the wonderful outdoor activities there are. I plan to do at least 3 new things this summer in Southwest Montana and I'm hoping I can do even more!
I really really love this, thanks for the idea. Being outside is something that i love so much, but the time out there is often distracted. I remember a year or two ago you posted about trail running without music, and just listening to your feet hit the pavement, breathing etc. Anyway did that the other day and it was seriously fantastic-despite the 102 degree temp. there will be no excuses for us not to enjoy the beauty that az has brought us!
Best. Post. Ever. I love the outdoors! And Utah is so amazing to have so much here!
This may sound cheesy but I just wanted to thank you for blogging. I found your blog a few months ago from a friend, who recommended it because I love running, outdoor adventures, and healthy fod too and am LDS. So...in a weird way....I feel like I have a new friend with you....if only you lived close by and this relationship weren't totally one sided....tehe. You make me want to explore even more....your recipes are gorg.....you make me want to be a better mom. Thanks. For the inspiration
Even though it's autumn here - it's still good to get outside in the bracing weather. Love this post!
You're so inspiring with your love of the outdoors Sheena!
I'm going to try and rise up to your challenge, and go outside!
sheen! i am reading the book you mentioned (RED) because it looked so interesting, and i feel like i HAVE to read it outside. like she would be super offended if i read it on my couch...haha.
i want to have a book group discussion about it. or maybe write a 20-page research paper about it. (i've been so well trained, my old professors would be proud.)
nice idea for a challenge! i totally agree with you that walking outside (in the nature) changes the perspectives we look at things, also make us more positive and appreciate everything in life much more!!
I just have to share.. Last month our small act of kindness was dropping off a loaf of homemade honey whole wheat bread (your recipe)and a little note to a woman in my church that had lost her mother a month before. I had been thinking about her ever since they had announced it and my heart broke in two for her. Yesterday she came up to me at church and asked me if I had left bread on her porch. Um... I didn't know what to say because I wanted it to be a random act of service. My son had loved door bell ditching and riding as fast as he could on his scooter to my car so she wouldn't find out who left the bread. I smiled and said yes. She gave me a huge hug and with tears in her eyes told me she was having such a hard time on that particular day and that meant the world to her. I know we were to keep our acts to ourself but I had to share. Cheering people up makes you feel so goooood. Thank you for the challenge.
My last weekend's get outside:
i have to say it's a great challenge!! ;)
your photography is so dreamy.
Ali said I needed to check out this challenge. Thank you for saying so well what I have in my head. I love it!
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