I want to tell you about my new favorite thing....grinding my own wheat.
WonderMill sent me one of their electric grain mills and we have been putting it to work!
You wouldn't believe how quickly you can make your own fresh flour......
....it really is as simple as a flip of the switch and pouring in your wheat (or any grain for that matter).
So why mill your own?
The longer flour sits, the more nutrients it loses.....did you know that? A wheat berry will keep all of it's nutrients until it's turned to flour. So when you are using your flour right away you are getting ALL the nutrients the grain has to offer.
"Once the bran has been damaged or cracked open, the inner elements are exposed to oxygen, which destroys the vitamins and oils in just a short period of time. Within twenty-four hours of grinding or cracking wheat, forty percent of the nutrients have oxidized. Within seventy-two hours of processing (just three days), ninety percent of the nutrients have been destroyed. From this point on, the flour still maintains its mineral content and (of course) its caloric value, but the life-giving vitamins and oils have been essentially destroyed—over twenty-five of them! By immediately using the freshly processed flour or grain, you are consuming and reaping the health and flavor benefits of these essential vitamins and oils." [source]
And fresh milled flour just tastes better--you can even smell the difference.

See? So easy a kid can do it!
So what are you going to do with that fresh milled flour?
Make waffles of course.

Whole Wheat Waffles
1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
2 eggs
1 can (about 2 cups) coconut milk
1/4 cup raw honey or pure maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 cups freshly milled whole wheat flour
1/4 c ground flax seed
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
We are still playing around with our mill so give me your ideas....
1/2 c old fashioned oats
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Mix oil, eggs, coconut milk, honey, and vanilla. Add dry ingredients, and stir just until everything is incorporated--don't over mix. Batter will be thick.
Ladle into preheated (and greased) waffle iron, cook until golden brown.
Serve with yogurt, strawberries, and real maple syrup.
Do you mill your own grains?
What kinds of flours are you making?
wow thanks for sharing! It's so crazy how little we (at least I) know about how food is processes and made.
I just use my blendtec to grind my wheat. I also keep it in berries and grind as I need it. I heard its better for you if you soak the berries beforehand ( haven't fine that yet though). I reading this way too late as I am up nursing my little one and this post made me sooo hungry! I know what we are having for bfast! :)
It's so interesting! Thanks for sharing, i never thought about that but i guess if fruits loss their vitamines as long as days pass by it should be the same way with other aliments...
looks so yummy!!
For a long time I've wanted to grind my own flour but I have yet to get a mill. I've heard it tastes so much better and I look forward to trying it eventually.
I grind nearly all my flours in my VitaMix but am dyyying to get an actual flour mill. Love this! Also, currently obsessed with waffles. :)
i love grinding my wheat. it rocks. my mother in law grinds everything--quinoa, popcorn for cornmeal, rice, whatever. i always want to try all those other kinds, but i forget to bring my stuff to her house. (lazy.)
i have a hand mill. and it sucks.
hey wondermill, can i have one too??
What a great tool! That would be handy for making all kinds of flours.
Possible silly question. Where do you get your wheat berry? Do you order them or can you get them at your local? I don't think I've seen them at mine {though that might just be a Germany thing}.
I have my ex-mother-in-laws grain mill that I am using on a daily basis. I do all kind of flours (millet, buckweat, spelt....) by myself. The machine is 40 years old, but it still works! I cannot imagine my life without it!!! My favorite recipe is the raw muesli: grind (not too smooth)the grain of your choice last thing before going to bed. pour some water over it to cover it completely + a bit of salt. next morning add fruits, jogurt, nuts or anything else of your choice.
It takes a bit of expeimenting because each grain soaks the water differently.
Greetings from the Swiss Alps
Fantastic post! well, photographed and it looks tasty and easy too!
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