If you're anything like me, you've spent the last week reading, watching, and pouring over photos from Japan. I fear. I worry. I feel for them. Their families. Their friends. Their lives.
But the difference is, I can turn the computer off, change the tv channel, and go about my life, in my happy home, with my healthy family nearby.
They don't have that option.
I feel so helpless, and I am happy to see so many people taking action to help.
They have set up a donation page for Shelterboxes.
"Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items."
Every little donation helps.
See here for more info.
Every little donation helps.
See here for more info.

I'll also be participating in the bloggers day of silence on Friday--and turning off the computer to spend extra time with my littles. Hope you can too:)
love the cause, hate that it has to happen :( saying prayers.
completely heartbreaking.
i'll post this on my blog
to spread the word.
hi! i happened on your blog when i started surfing the web looking to see what other people were doing to blog. you have such great stories, and fun and healthy ideas...i won't lie, i swiped a few ideas, receipes and pics, but this i know is plagiarism...so i wanted to know (so i keep on a good path) if you could tell me if it is ok to repost them or how this works before I use them? thanks, juli
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