Today's artist spotlight is blogger and creative shop owner Holly Devlin of Poway, California, and her shop Mommy Holly!

How long have you been making all your cute creations? How did you get started?
I opened my Etsy shop close to two years ago, but at first it was more of a hobby for me. I have always loved to work with paper crafts, and wanted to share my creations with others. Then around a year ago, I decided to treat it more like a job, and it has consistently grown since then!! Now while I am waiting to begin nursing school, this is a fantastic opportunity to create things I love, and make a small business out of it in the process. :)
What is your favorite thing in your shop?
I adore the vintage dictionary bird cutouts... I am a sucker for anything having to do with birds, so I love to use these in any way possible. I also love to see what people use them for as well- I've had customers buy thousands of birds to decorate their entire wedding with and I am proud to be a part of something like that. :)

What are your other hobbies?
I spend a lot of time being creative in any way possible, and am perfectly content being in my craft room at all times of the day!! But I also love to bake (I love anything sweet!), read (I spend an inordinate amount of time in the library!), and spend time with my darling six-year old son. :)
What do you listen to while creating?
I have a playlist on my blog that is always changing, but that contains my favorite songs at any given moment. Right now I can't stop listening to Adam Lambert (love him!), and my all-time favorite singer is Ryan Star. (Even though not a huge amount of people even recognize his name haha! Google him now- you won't be sorry.)
Because I am a food lover....what is your favorite thing to eat?
I am always in the mood for pizza. Delicious, cheesy pizza. I could eat it every day. Oh yes, and cookies. :)
I LOVE these cute tags!

Holly's pirate birdie tags were recently featured in a wedding on Style Me Pretty.

For our giveaway today, Holly has put together a fun little package of goodies just for YOU!

To win this package of paper goodies, just leave a comment with your favorite item from the Mommy Holly shop! Super easy!
As per request by many of you, giveaways will now end on Sunday.
Comments will be accepted until Sunday, 6/13 at midnight, and the winner will be announced Monday.
Tweet/facebook/or blog and come back for an extra entry!
My favorite is definitely the dictionary bird them!
anything to do with birds...i'm totally on board! cute, cute things...thanks for the intro :)
i love the bright and happy thank you card!!
and so many others.
very, very cute products.
i love etsy.
tweeted. ;)
I love any of her dictionary cutouts. I've bought several things from Mommy Holly and LOVE LOVE LOVE each and every thing. **please, please oh please pick me!** :)
found your blog through mommy holly. love your blog and loooovvveee all of holly's things. huge fan of all her dictionary cut outs. have a happy day!
Oh my goodness- how cute is that pirate birdie?! Just adore all her cute work!!
those little thank you cards are just adorable! it's amazing how creative she gets with simply paper!
LOVE the round tags with the tree. They are perfect. Too cute!
The birds! Love the birds!
I love the tiny tree tags, but everything is so delightful! By the way, this is my first time commenting on your blog. It's positively lovely!
I love all things 'paper'... nice blog...
So many cute paper crafts! I'm a sucker for cards. My favorite from her shop is the preppy pink plaid thank you card.
LOVE LOVE LOVE those cute little flower cut outs! and the tree tags are to DIE for! love them!
I love all of her cards. I especially love her "sunny thank you cards" Love green and daisies!
My favorite was the little butterfly cutouts! Also the cards!
These things are all so creative!!! Thanks for saring!
dictionary birds. that is a really cool idea.
Love the vintage butterfly cutouts...Her cutouts are such a deal. I'll have to keep her shop in mind for my next scrapbook.
Just posted about this on Facebook:
My Facebook post is also fed live to my Twitter account, so this was tweeted, too! (@GoodDayDesigns)
Just posted this giveaway on my blog sidebar at Thanks!
Just love the Dictionary Birds.
Thank you, Sheena!!!! :)
xoxox Holly
I love the tiny bird tags and the little tree tags. So adorable! What cute stuff!
Love love love the jumbo brown paper tags with the owls on them. They are absolutely adorable!
I hope I win!!!
i LOVE the thank you card. i have a weird addiction to collecting thank you cards. her work is darling
- kirsten s (
The cards are so cute! She is very talented!
I like the funky mushroom tags!
I want the goodie package so badly!! It's all just so cute. My fav would have to be the tree tags, or maybe the happy blue flowers, or maybe the bird cutouts. Who am I kidding?? They are all my favorite!
The cupcake tags are so great!
I love everything in her shop but my favorite definitely are the vintage dictionary bird cutouts. They're so cute!!!
the birds are wonderful- I especially love those cute little owls!
I really like the Bright and Cheery Thank-You Cards!!
Love the birds! But then, I love all your stuff!
I have purchased the birds from her and LOOOOOVE them. I love this gal too! Her whole family is just darling and so creative! It doesn't surprise me she is doing a giveaway with you because she has such a big heart as well!
of course the bird cutouts!
Hello, I love everything this bright young designer does!....She is very, very talented! and she happens to be my daughter!! :)....Thank you for spotlighting her in such a beautiful way!....You have a darling blog!
..........Heidi XO
I love the little tree tags!
all the brown paper tags - they're so cute! (and would go well with a kraft paper and ribbon wrapped package - my favorite way to gift!). I particularly heart the sweet ants and the owls.
i love the brown tags with the birds. what a fun shop!
I love your brown tags with the trees :) Really though, what is there not to like!
love the turtle tags:)
the birdie tags are for sure my fav!
I just love all the owl brown paper tags!!!
Dictionary Bird cut-outs, love 'em. Old paper smells and feels great, that fact she has found a creative use for such perfect material is way cool.
I love all the gift tags, especially the Happy Turtle ones! So very cute!
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