Warning: if you are not a fan of bathroom talk or men in awesome shorts, then this post is not for you. But come on, who is not a fan of those things?
Before we start the long process that is this post, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with Tobias the Never Nude (from the best show ever, Arrested Development) see here
6 in one van
6 in the other.
195 miles through Las Vegas desert. (18.1 for me)
405 teams.....4800+ fellow runners.
70°ish. Perfect.
70°ish. Perfect.
27 hours and 4 minutes of pure torture/joy/fatigue/excitement/pain/laughter/craziness/hatred/fun.
with 2 hours of sleep squeezed in there.
Somehow managed 10th place overall with our thrown together team.
Still unsure how....must have been the cutoffs.
1 scary clown.
4000 new inside jokes (I love inside jokes) from staying up all night deliriously tired [poop.]
Somehow managed 10th place overall with our thrown together team.
Still unsure how....must have been the cutoffs.
1 scary clown.
4000 new inside jokes (I love inside jokes) from staying up all night deliriously tired [poop.]
Ben started us off (with a full sprint, just for kicks:)
He then handed off to his lovely wife Lauren, who ran 8.8 miles up a bazillion hills.

I can't tell you how awesome it was having our spouses there with us!
Robby looking killer in cutoffs aside, my favorite thing was to see him up ahead waiting with water and a good joke.
Lauren handed off to Ryan...and because I had to film Ryan while he ran, there are no photos of him....whoops! This awesome photo will have to do instead.
Ryan then handed to Robby, and let's talk about Robby.
And how he hates to run.
Always hated it.
And then I talked him into this race.
And he did AWESOME.
And not I'm-just-saying-that-because-we-are-married-and-I-have-to-say-that AWESOME.
He did so good--and I was so proud!!
He's already looking forward to another!
He's already looking forward to another!
Robby then handed to Kelly (his sis! yes--cutest handoff award goes to them)
She glided effortlessly up the hill with time for a sponge bath on the way.
She glided effortlessly up the hill with time for a sponge bath on the way.
Kelly handed off to me! Since I was runner number 6 I sat in the van watching everyone else get to start (and finish) and it only made me more and more nervous for my turn.
But as soon as I saw her coming I got so excited and might have had to do a little dance before she got there. Que adrenaline.
But as soon as I saw her coming I got so excited and might have had to do a little dance before she got there. Que adrenaline.

One of my favorite things about these races is that EVERYONE is so friendly. You have hundreds of cheerleaders wherever you go (why can't real life be like that?).
Blasting music out their windows and cheering you on. I love it!
I then passed off to our Van 2, who ran while we "rested", and then we did it again. And then again.
Three legs!
The finish line was a welcome sight.....our tired legs were ready for a rest.
Lauren and I did the Wasatch Back, so we scored these awesome "Saints and Sinners" medals....which still crack me up.
-I honestly can't describe how much fun this is....I don't really know why. The running is terrible, hard, and at times terribly hard, yet I would honestly do it again this weekend. really.
-no sleep. More of an up, then a down if you see how loopy I get. I have no idea what crazy werid things I may have said or done, and I would take the time to apologize to my teammates but I'm sure in their delierous state they have already forgotten.
-you get ride in a giant awesome van. and it's DECORATED!
-my teamates. we are all now officially BFFs....I think I said I love you all a thousand times. You get to know each other far too well when you are in your worst moments....I love it.
-I honestly can't describe how much fun this is....I don't really know why. The running is terrible, hard, and at times terribly hard, yet I would honestly do it again this weekend. really.
-no sleep. More of an up, then a down if you see how loopy I get. I have no idea what crazy werid things I may have said or done, and I would take the time to apologize to my teammates but I'm sure in their delierous state they have already forgotten.
-you get ride in a giant awesome van. and it's DECORATED!
-my teamates. we are all now officially BFFs....I think I said I love you all a thousand times. You get to know each other far too well when you are in your worst moments....I love it.
-throwing up in an intersection in during your night run because you attempted to run too fast and having the crossing guard standing there holding up traffic while you do it.
...only a few hundred yards from your handoff.
that is not awesome, I assure you.
-Hundreds and hundreds of, ahem, well used porta-potties.
-by the 3rd leg I'm a little bit over the whole running thing.
-calf cramps.
-emergency pit stops for stomaches gone mad, and those runners shall remain unnamed...
-rocky roads (not the kind full of chocolate swirls and marshmallow clouds)
-The 3 am alarm that went off and woke us from our 2 hour nap......we contemplated just quitting right there (sorry van 2)
-Having it all end. Monday came and I moped around missing my never nudes! I need my entourage surrounding me at all times offering me water and making me laugh. I need Kelly's awesome grammar and made up words, I need Ben yelling "Kill the Clown", I need Lauren getting the giggles with me over every immature thing, and I need more Robby and Ryan basking in their jean-shorted glory.
And I need it all on film.
oh wait. it is. thanks ryan.
...only a few hundred yards from your handoff.
that is not awesome, I assure you.
-Hundreds and hundreds of, ahem, well used porta-potties.
-by the 3rd leg I'm a little bit over the whole running thing.
-calf cramps.
-emergency pit stops for stomaches gone mad, and those runners shall remain unnamed...
-rocky roads (not the kind full of chocolate swirls and marshmallow clouds)
-The 3 am alarm that went off and woke us from our 2 hour nap......we contemplated just quitting right there (sorry van 2)
-Having it all end. Monday came and I moped around missing my never nudes! I need my entourage surrounding me at all times offering me water and making me laugh. I need Kelly's awesome grammar and made up words, I need Ben yelling "Kill the Clown", I need Lauren getting the giggles with me over every immature thing, and I need more Robby and Ryan basking in their jean-shorted glory.
And I need it all on film.
oh wait. it is. thanks ryan.
Ragnar Relay : Las Vegas from Ryan Southwell on Vimeo.
I think next time (oh there WILL be a next time) I might have to film a little "behind the scenes" night time happenings to see just how tired we are.
or maybe not...
I think next time (oh there WILL be a next time) I might have to film a little "behind the scenes" night time happenings to see just how tired we are.
or maybe not...
I just need to know if the lyrics "bowel shaking earthquakes" were purposefully synced with the line up of port-a-potties?
Brilliant. Makes me wish I was there. but then you wouldn't have gotten 10th!
wow.. that was so awesome! it almost makes me want to run one! i wish life had a soundtrack.
(although, mine would probably be really lame)
if you need runners for your next team, let me know...
awesome. the video actually gave my chills. good ones and bad ones. lol.
it sounds just like my experience i had back in april. so fun but so not fun. oh and the porta potties. yikes. i don't even take my kids in public bathrooms... so that was disgusting. but i think i used everyone of them.
and it is so fun to run ragnar with your hubby. i am glad we have that memory.
and ryans video is amazing.
you guys did awesome and I'm SO GLAD you guys were the 'never nudes' that is pure awesomeness..i wish that show was still on, sniff.
it makes me want to run, except i can't run a mile without stopping to walk for a minute so i'd be a horrible teammate. but maybe if i got to wear cutoffs..hmmmmmmm
loved the videoooooooooo!!
SO fun! Now that I've done a 200+ mile relay, I feel the need to do a RAGNAR. Someday!
Okay, that is the BEST. VIDEO. EVER! Going The Distance is my favorite uphill song. SO awesome. I'm ready for another relay.
Way to go!!!! Looks like you had a blast. It seems like really hard things like that end up always being the BEST experiences, even if some of it sucks. Love the video too. :)
seriously you guys were hauling!!! looks like a blast, on my bucket list for sure! great jobs, you guys are awesome!
Never Nudes!!! team name alone is already an EPIC WIN! (I heart Tobias! haha) You guys are phenomenal!
-How do I miss it so much?
-You captured some nasty pictures of me.
-My favorite is you doing the star jump. And that's not just because I took it ;) but because you are seriously hot.
-I think Robby and Ryan should sport the shorts occasionally just to remind us all of what an exhilarating time we had.
-I love you, too.
(I think that covers it).
I wrote on your last Ragnar post. Looks like It was Hayley's blog, my cousin-in-law, that took me here. Im running my first in 3 weeks and was just telling my babe that we should do it with some of our friends.. just like this. we'll see if i can hang through the first.Looks like it was awesome. Im sending my team over to check out your recap. thanks for sharing.
ok, just watched the video... Loved it. You are adorable. We need Ryan on our team.
Sweet!!! Shelly put me onto your blog, we will be running our Ragnar in a few short weeks here in FL. The video was the best! Sweet blog.
I LOVE the video and the awesome pictures! What an amazing team and so much fun!!!! Wish I was there. :) Congratulations on a 10th place finish, wowzas!
10th place and 1 scary clown - love THE NUMBERS!!!
You are relay rockstars! 10th! Seriously!? Amazing!!!
Ryan's videos are so good it makes me sick. It makes me want to delete my vimeo account, Whatta Man video and all.
You guys did a good job at making running look fun, when it's not really.
That video was by far one of the coolest things I've seen in a loooong time. I laughed. lots. And I don't even know you or your friends! That was awesome. Thank you.
That. video. is. awesome.
wow wow wow. so impressed by the whole thing of it.
that looks awesome. it's great to run with your husband huh? it made me feel all swoony when we did the wasatch back last year. hopefully we'll do it again next year (if i can ever run again post baby...man it's kind of hard to get back into the swing of things.) really cool video too!
im commenting on this again because i just watched these videos again. trying to convince my husband to sign up for one of these. are you running the one in two weeks? Im bummed that I never signed up for it I thought I wouldnt want to run again after my marathon but surprisingly i do! anyway if you guys do one again let me know if you ever need a sub. i dont run miles in 7 minutes but i might be able to try and keep up!
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