This week somehow slipped away so quickly.....and I am ok with it....enough with this snow already!! But there were still so many things to love.... sleeping in this morning! Because....why not. Although we weren't really sleeping--all four of us in one bed until 8:00, with eyes being poked and hair being pulled.....but 8:00!!
I'll still take it.
You know I love a simple recipe!

Roasted New Potatoes
toss new potatoes with:
-5-6 cloves of garlic
-olive oil
-coarse salt and cracked pepper
roast at 425° for 40-50 minutes
when they come out of the oven:
-drizzle with a bit more olive oil
-add a handful of chopped basil
-throw in a handful of grated parmesan cheese
toss, and enjoy!

I LOVE to take pictures of people!! In a few weeks we are headed to the Sacramento area, and I would love to take pictures of YOU!!
I have ONE slot left for a couples session Saturday May 22 (in the morning!)
Email me sheenajibsonphotography at gmail for package info!

Speaking of photos.....I am in love with this session by Jose Villa. Isn't it the cutest thing you have ever seen??!! Don't you want to be them?? See the rest of the session HERE

I LOVE Giada!!! And I am drooling over her new line at Target! Have you seen it??

I was so inspired by these I think we are going to be adding some new shelves to our teeny tiny kitchen soon (yay!)....if it could only please stop raining so I could get out and paint!

If you have been following my blogs for a while, then you have already seen this, but we have been listening to the song this week so I thought I'd share the video again too!
Last month I introduced you to our little team, Iris and Light. We offer up photos + videos....and it is so much fun!! Last March (2009) we got together to share ideas and...well....basically play. This is what happened when we got together. This is our first film ever--we shoved as many "props" as we could into our car, made a quick thrift store stop for random supplies, and headed out to the (freeeeeezing!) Salt Flats!
And a few weeks back when we were down in California, we did another film--which will be coming to monitors near you soon.... and I am SOOOO excited to share it with you!! (I'll let you know the very second it comes out!). no pressure ryan, but now you have people waiting:)
So here you go--to prep you for our next film coming soon. The song is "You make me like it" by the 1990s, and it is will see.
Happy Weekend!!!
What did YOU love about this week?