Here it is--the one
I told you about. The one you
promised I could do if I tried....and boy did I try.
(Please check out Susan's original tutorial
HERE...she is the professional, I just make stuff up)
Here is the scoop.
Was it easy? Yes.
Obviously....I did it!
I know how to use my machine just enough to throw together silly Halloween costumes and a few things around the house....but I have never in my life followed any kind of pattern, or actually measured something.
Here we go.
What you need:
2-3 yards of fabric
elastic, I used the 2 inch wide variety
coordinating fabric for the pockets*--*
please check out the original tutorial!! I was a chicken and skipped out on the pockets, but after following her step by step I now realize how easy the pockets would have time.straight pins
two sick children that stay in bed all day so you can get this done
(did I plan it this way, no....did it work out nicely, yes....sorry kids)
phone, to call your mother
Take measurements of:
your natural waist
from your waist to your knee or mid thigh, however long you want your skirt

For my skirt I cut my elastic 27 inches.
Then you want the width of your skirt to be at least 2 times the width of the elastic, so I cut 2 pieces of 30 inches by 23 inches.
Put your two pieces together, right sides facing each other, and stitch together.

turn over and press you seam down (like with an iron....has it been years since you ironed? me too!)

Press your hem 1/4" (mine is way more than a 1/4".....but I did measure extra long to give me a little wiggle room:)

Fold again, and stitch your hem--I hemmed something!

Sew your elastic together.

Pin your skirt in (aprx)1" sections to your elastic(remember your fabric is inside out again!)

Now to sew the elastic. You need to STRETCH the elastic as you go. pull it out with both hands, until your fabric lays flat, then sew.
After you've made it all the way around, do one more lap with a zigzag stitch on the edge of the fabric and elastic (stretch as you go again!)

Turn inside out, and you are DONE!!
Try not to look so much like a giant Easter egg/8 yr old, and please excuse the awesomeness that is my
picc line peaking out of my shirt sleeve.

Thanks again to Susan's awesome skirt made me a believer of sewing!
the end.