MOM!!! Happy 35!! Just kidding, we don't play those games, do we?
Happy big 5-0!!

50 of my favorite "momories" and things I'm thankful for...
-stacks of pbj under the mountain ash tree
-your hair in the early 90s
-starting my love for exercise at an early age by letting me watch "Mousercise"
-thank you for buying me the leotard to go with it
-"playing restaurant"
-protecting me and sister from "the troll"
-you coming to every. single. basketball game. even when you had to drive 6 hours.
-sitting through band concerts. oye. I owe you.
-coming to take care of me after my babies
-decorating cakes (with gg too) and fighting about it:)
-"the incident" ha.
-coming to sign me out of school so I could go watch that little movie being filmed down the street
-buying me my first ever digital camera, even though I had to take it back because I didn't have a computer......oh college life.
-letting my sleep on sister's floor for 1/2 my sixth grade year....we had so much fun.
-we always had something to color/paint/glue/cut/bead/or shrinkydink
-your hair in the early 80s.
-you are really, really tough. really tough.
-letting me help you make cookies. I know it's alot easier to do it by yourself.
-it is nearly impossible to watch a movie with you, but you make it really funny.
-watching the kids a thousand times a year (and driving for hours and hours to do it)
(from the boy)
-"she let's me build a road"
-"she makes me pizza"
-"strawberry miniwheats"
-"she has blonde hair"
-"an mole on her nose" :)
(from the girl)
-"I wike gamma"
-"she has Jet" (the cat)
-sticking with me through all my hair problems and letting me be dramatic about them
-sewing both my prom dresses
-trying to teach me how to cook before I left home.....I was a bad student in the kitchen
-being my girl scout leader
-my red shoes at Christmas.
-letting me call a hundred times in one day (although sometimes you do it too)
-the "I'm getting married at 19" conversation at JB's
-taking us to ride Billy....and then he died...
-so we rode Red. I loved that barn.
-always having cocoa and donuts when we'd get our Christmas tree. (remember when you would get a REAL tree?)
-helping me enter stuff I drew/photographed/baked into the fair.
-always being the wind beneath my wings. Just kidding, just wanted to see if you were still reading.
-but I guess you were the wind beneath my wings, I would just never say it that way....weird.
-taking a picnic to Lions Park
-I guess birthing me should make this list. Thank you.
-I would have never started blogging it you didn't live so far away! Thank you for being the only one commenting all those posts at the beginning!
-trips to the library all summer long (followed by icecream afterwards!)
-Thank you for teaching me all I know about being a mother, just by being a good mother yourself.
- Sorry, early 90s hair was so good, it gets to make the list TWICE....(and why don't I have a photo of that?)
-Happy Birthday!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
.. so many memories!! .. she is a good mama!!
Super cute! Happy Birthday to your Mommy! She sounds like a keeper! And she has big hair too! (or did)
Yay! Happy birthday Judi! You are awesome and we love you!
Awesome way to celebrate her..50 is the new 30! I like the term "momeries" so cute
That is the cutest picture! Happy birthday!
Thanks for the Bithday wishes!and for the memories..."the incident"?!! and... Think of what your girl will be saying about your hair over the years when you turn 50!
Love you Tootsie! I am so glad you are mine!
:) this post made me smile!
lovely list!!
Your mom has always reminded me of my mom - they would have so gotten along and now I know why - their birthdays are only a week apart. I love moms!
so, so cute! isn't it fun to have a fun mom?
ps. moms and their 90s hair. i'm totally with you.
sweet post!
happy birthday to your mom.
ps: i adore your new header :)
Did I just see a 35mm 1.4 lens tweet? Holy crud. Good for you!
This was such a lovely and charming dedication... it truly warmed my heart. Happy 50th to her!!!
PS: please post a photo of her 90s hair... PLEASE... :)
What a beautiful post!
I lost my Mom to cancer 4 years ago. I love to see others show appreciation for their Moms. Moms truly are wonderful. :)
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