"The grass is always greener on the other side."
So they say. Whoever they are.
And sometimes it really seems that way.....doesn't it?? There are times in my life I have really believed it to be true.
But I am sloooowly learning as I grow older (and wiser, right?) that the grass is the greenest of greens, right beneath my very own feet. I just need to remind myself to look down.
Last month when Robby left for a week to Florida for work.....I was a bit on the bummed-out side, and feeling very woe-is-me. Yes he still had to work every day--but he was working in Florida! I've never been to Florida! He was eating out at fancy restaraunts, sleeping in a fancy bed, and HE HAD MAID SERVICE!!!
I was at home sweeping 100 times a day and doing the same old laundry and potty training routine....by myself. Where was my maid?
It's hard sometimes to be home all day. No fancy restaraunts. No one to pat you on the back. And all that sweeping.
unless, I look at it this way...
I get to be home.....all day! Do you know what that means? I get to make the plans....I am the boss! What we do. What we eat. Where we go.
Let's paint! Let's make bread! I get to hear the giggles, and be a part of their fun little world.
"Mommy you have to hurry and get out of here!! There are Storm Troopers coming!" I have absolutely no idea what that means, but was very excited that I was important enough to play along.
In between the sweeping, there will be a few hugs, I am sure of it. I get to play. Read books. Laugh....alot.
I get to experience the springing of spring through my two little one's eyes. Looking for buds. Listening to birds. Planting. Digging. Or just playing in the dirt....
Yesterday we went to the park. Enjoyed the sunshine. Swung the swings. Slid the slides. As my boy and my girl (who are getting so big) ran off across the grass, I looked down, and saw green.
so sweet! Thanks for the reminder :)
I BIG PUFFY RED HEART this post! As a mom and wife that has had a traveling hubby most of the last few years, this was my constant song. "How lucky am I? I GET to be home with my babies!!" You are so smart to enjoy it, it goes by so fast! ..or so they say. ;)
" I get to paint" too. I love my life as a stay at home momma but I too would like occasional maid service ;)
I adored this post.
love this post - thanks for sharing!
ps - i am not doing the adventure race in moab - its our company that is putting it on! ;)
looooove it!!! I will look down more often at MY green grass!!
Such a great reminder - it's all about your perspective. And you're right - you have total control over it.
i needed this today. thanks! off to start fresh with my sick little snotty nosed kiddos. :)
You get to stay home!! That is as green as the grass can get. I envy you...and there is NO way on earth anyone would envy sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day (like me).
So so jealous...and happy for you!
Such a sweet post! I try my best to be thankful for every second, and find joy in all the little moments too. But its nice to hear a reminder on it now and then too!
Staying home is the best...why is that so hard to remember sometimes? Thanks for the awesome reminder. By the way, your blog is the best!
I was just thinking...wouldn't it be nice to go back to work for 3 days (day one for the excitement, day two for the routine, day 3 to wish I was home again). I feel like I forget how fortunate I am to be able to be home every day..doing just what you said. Great post. Just what I needed.
Oh, and I came across this quote...I am not sure where I got it:
We tend to keep waiting for life to get better when, really, it just gets different. If the grass looks greener on the other side of your fence, it may be because you're not investing your time and energy in your own grass. Live in the present.
I was JUST thinking along these lines this morning. I was laying in bed, trying to wake up, thinking how lucky I am right now, hardly any deadlines. Me and the kids just do what we want all day, it's awesome! For the record though, it does suck when your husband gets to go on a trip. Maid service... I didn't think about that, but now I will :). Justin not only goes to Disneyland, they have an evening dinner cruise in Cali, they play on the beach for a whole day, they see Lion King in Vegas... but yeah at least I get to do all the fun Easter stuff with the kids. :) I'm REALLY gonna be clinging to every moment of the egg hunt this year!
how true. we're going through the exact same things here... thanks for the reminder.
okay sheena dear, im crying here. at my computer desk. this is exactly what i needed to be reminded of today. thank you. :)
what a great post! my hubby travels for weeks on end and i feel as though i am a single mother at times and talk about depressing. that is, until i read your post and how it just lightened my day. thanks a million!
ah I love it! I'm on the "other side" of things now, but happy to hear there's green all over. Great writing.
wow...awesome post.
This belongs in the Ensign! That was beautiful! I want to print it out and put it on my refrigerator!!!
Thanks friend!!!
Sounds nice! I wish I was home everyday :)
i love this post.
it echoed all the things i'm already loving about being a homemaker, plus gave me a million more things to look forward to. mommy things. i cannot wait for mommy things.
the storm trooper line was my favorite part. you have cool kids. and so much fun with them!
By the way? I loved this. Loved, loved, loved it! Sometimes we just have to spin the lens, but man oh man, the focus can get awfully fuzzy at times. This little wisdomlet will stick with me for some time. Thanks.
just love this...
thank you for reminding me to look at the green grass under my two weary feet.
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