Wednesday, March 27, 2013

sixty degrees

sixty degrees. 
maybe that seems cold to you. ...
but to us.....
oh! to us, summer is just around the corner. 
there is talk of swimming and popsicles and late nights under the stars.
sixty degrees is shorts and taking off jackets. 
the breeze in our hair and the sun on our winter skin. 
sixty degrees is mud that jumps up our back and birds calling out from bare trees. 
sixty degrees is we MUST get out of the house. 
the sweet mountain air.
welcome spring!
what is sixty degrees to you? 


Hannah Nicole said...

sixty degrees is SUMMER to us! it's 38 degrees and we're all outside without winter coats. so wonderful!

sarah nadine said...

when the weather consistently stays around sixty (or 15 celsius!), it's spring for us up here (Calgary, Canada). i usually start a regular running schedule, try to get a head start on a tan(!), bbq 4 times a week, anticipate summer all the more, and never put a jacket on to go out :)

you are in such a beautiful spot! i love this post's pics.


mirari said...

That's summertime for sure! Here in Belgium we've -5°C / 23°F this morning, still snowy in our garden...
What a beautiful pics!0

Krystal Celeste said...

Sixty degrees here in Texas is jacket weather lol. And if the temps drop even just a little bit lower we're all pulling out the hot chocolate. ;) Beautiful photos! :)

Sarah said...

60 degrees would feel like a heat wave here in WI. It's going to be in the mid 40s this next few days and everyone is so excited!

Eleanor said...

I want 60 degrees here in NJ!!!!
We've finally hit the 50's but it is still miles away from what the 60's feel like.

It's good to see how happy you all are in your new space. :)

emily o. said...

It's 30 degrees here today...60 would seem like summer to us!

Alison said...

That is sixty degrees to us too! Soaking up the sunshine, singing birds and playing hard outside in our neck of the woods too.

kassidi bridge said...

Same. Dito to everything. Breathtaking pictures of your littles.

Kasey said...

Sixty degrees is short sleeve running and the back door open to let in the fresh air! And flip flops, of course.

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