Sunday, December 8, 2013

chistmasy weekend

oh what a weekend!

it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed.
and snowed.

we spent lots of time inside with blankets and Christmas movies.
chili and cookies.
we made our "Christmas List" of all the activities we want to do over the next few weeks.

we received a very special invitation that read:
"mom and dad you are invited to a Christmas dance party at 6:30."
It looked like this.
Do they get crazy this time of year?
But I do too.

We decorated a tree! lights, ornaments, jingle and jangle and a gold star on top.
Please look at the picture below closely. 
Do you see what I see?
Luna the cat. 
You know, our "outside cat."
yeah right. 
Look what she has done to me!
She has claimed her spot right under the tree.
Fingers crossed she doesn't tear it down....
And we OFFICIALLY kicked off the Christmas season with our first batch of snowballs. 
(I told you I'd be posting about snowballs again!)
I like to double....triple....quadruple this batch when I make it. 
They freeze well, and are perfect to pull out when you need to put together a quick plate of treats for a friend--just give them a fresh dusting of powdered sugar when you load them up on the plate.

3/4 c butter, room temp
1 tsp vanilla
1 TBS water
1/8tsp salt
1/3 c sugar
1 1/2 c flour
(this time I added a pinch of cinnamon, just for kicks)
1 c chocolate chips
1 c chopped pecans or walnuts (I like pecans)
Powdered sugar, for dusting.

Cream butter, vanilla, water, sugar and salt. Add flour and mix well. Stir in chocolate and nuts.
 Form into 1” balls. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes. Cool for a few minutes. 
Roll in powdered sugar while still a little bit warm.
Little bites of Christmas.

What Christmasy things did you do this weekend?

blogged 1 year ago: traditions
blogged 2 years ago: candy cane ice cream


Rania said...

Oh lovely! We're not having a tree since we're going away over christmas, I really want to decorate one too!

I went to our big amusement park on saturday, they always transform it into a winter wonderland and give it a big christmas theme each year. Yesterday we met up at a friends house having her homemade mulled wine, saffron buns and gingerbread while we listened to christmas carols and just had a pleasant evening :)

Kaitlyn Luce said...

The cat! bahahaha! My favorite.

And also, the dance party.

Unknown said...

that dance party is everything.

Ally said...

we had a cozy weekend in! Watched Hallmark Christmas movies and Prancer. Drank Hot chocolate as we got some wintry weather :)

Sini | my blue and white kitchen said...

:D Dance party! The best. And your snowballs look really delicious. I add them to my weekend baking list (it grows and grows...). That's also what I did last weekend. Baked. And started to knit a new scarf. And admired the beautiful white snow outside. December, I love you.

Sarah said...

Gorgeous tree!

Unknown said...

I LOVE snowballs!! My mom has a list of the same Christmas cookies she makes every year and those are always on there. I used to hate them as a kid, because I was always afraid of inhaling the powdered sugar when I ate them, but now I can't get enough of these bad boys. In fact... I think I'll make a batch myself! :)

snow said...

Hi there, I was wondering how many cookies this recipe makes? Also, to cream the first ingredients is it possible to just use a whisk? I dont have a blender or anything of that sort. Thank you.

Annie said...

Great bllog you have