Thursday, June 16, 2011

the latest

It's hot. In my house. (finally!!!) Our brick house = our own personal brick oven. I love it.

Speaking of hot can find me shoving my face at Settebello tomorrow. Yum.

I am really enjoying Pinterest. It's the most organized my life will ever be.

Happy Fathers Day!!!
To my own dad, Robby, and all the dads out there....happy day!

dad. me.
Screen shot 2011-06-16 at 12.04.09 AM
these are my kids.
they're dirty. sticky. messy. grubby.
they spend the days/nights playing outside and looking for bugs/making mud food/just in general playing in the dirt.
I kind of love that about them.
this is a baby carrot. It's tiny and adorable. 
It's brothers and sisters will be ready to eat soon.....I cannot wait!

I'm checking out early this week to get ready for Wasatch Back. (You may remember my last relay?).
Anyone else running??
 It should be fun, and not fun, and tiring, and smelly.....but also fun. (haha watch this). I just found out that my third leg (below) had to be plowed and there are giant walls of SNOW up each side of the mountain for us to run's JUNE!!!
Picture 34

I'll be posting updates along the course via my FB page and twitter....or maybe I'll see you out there!

Happy Weekend!!


Deanna said...

i use pinterst too! i love it! what is your username? id love to follow you :)

Brittany said...

good luck with your run! i'm working towards doing my first marathon, but i know i'm not quite there yet.

Tara said...

Look how cool your dad is! haha love it. His shirt looks a lot like our Ragnar shirts... see you tomorrow!!

Unknown said...

knowing that my sweet girl loves to play outside and get dirty makes me proud in a kind of weird way.

love your pinterest, and love that you are doing this run! i am so jealous-but once this baby is out im signin up for another one! you'll do great-they always put the best people in the hardest parts. just remember my advice (not that its needed and clearly you are not as dumb as i) dont eat benihanas or anything that would give you the different type of runs before the run. have fun!!

amanda jane said...

Your photographs are absolutely stunning. good luck in the run!

Erica said...

Good luck with your run!

Homeowner Insurance

Lori Folkman said...

That dad is one cool dude. I can see Montana out the window of that boat. And according to safety regulations, your life jacket is one size too big.

gram said...

.. have a safe run! ... looking forward to seeing little 'greats' this weekend..... said...

ha ha that pic of you and your dad is awesome! LOVE it :)

Anonymous said...

best of luck on your run! happy weekend!

banananutmeg said...

ahhhh! How was the relay?!!! Did you love it? Are you starving? I'm always starving for a week after the race (which is really the #1 reason to run isn't it? to eat?)