Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a summer salad

 aaaahhhhh summer salad. so easy, so good. 
the little red house blog 
I love taking a handful of this, and a handful of that from the garden and throwing it together and calling it a salad. This was the first broccoli I've had from the garden--it has taken forrrrrrevvverrrr to grow, but it has been fun to watch a GIANT broccoli plant (it could gobble my children) grow out of the ground from a tiny little seed. the little red house blog
A Summer Salad
-olive oil and balsamic vinegar (I didn't even bother to make a dressing--I just splashed a bit on)
-a pinch of salt and fresh ground pepper

Step One: throw all ingredients together
Step Two: Eat.

If you had a few extra minutes this would be awesome with grilled zucchini and broccoli, 
but I also like it raw and fresh.
the little red house blog
What's in your salad right now?


superhappyjohi said...

Hi Sheena! I always have in my salad beets and in the last weeks roasted zucchini... I also love sun-dried tometoes. Yummie! Love your blog!

pakosta said...

last night we had the Burrito Bowl recipe, I think I got it from YOU! it was super good! except we did add meat to ours!
YUMMY! you make the BEST food!

Kaitlin said...

The mental image of enormous broccoli and little kids made me smile :) your salad sounds tasty and I am ever jealous of your garden!

Sara said...

what a beautiful salad! i often just toss a bit of oil and balsamic on mine without bothering to make a real 'dressing'. or balsamic and honey or agave is great too.

whitneyingram said...

Yesterday's lunch salad was quinoa, black beans, tomatoes, salmon leftover from Sunday dinner, cilantro and salsa verde. I can't wait to have it again for lunch today.

Jessica said...


I love your blog! Love your healthy, fresh food. Love your sense of adventure you are passing on to your littles. Love your photos. Keep up the great and inspiring work!

Tara said...

Looks good!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous salad! Your vegetables are so pretty. I usually like to add some fresh fruit to my salad like berries or apple chunks. I love how it tastes with vinaigrette.