Sunday, July 29, 2012

photo vomit

I have about one bazillion photos to go through.
One. Bazillion. 
And I can't decide which ones to post and how/when/what order to do so. 
We saw blue green lakes/raging waterfalls/wild animals/wildflowers/meadows. 
We hiked/drove/and drove/and drove/camped/roamed/fished/explored.
Utah/Idaho/Montana/cross the border/Alberta/British Columbia/and back again.
So that's when I just photo vomit all over the place. 
A little here, a lot there. All at random.
Here we go.
Lake Louise. Banff National Park. Alberta, Canada.


Ashley said...

I'm welcoming your photo vomit. Bring it!

Unknown said...

also welcoming the photo vomit!

Gentri said...

Oh my!! Isn't that the most beautiful place you have EVER been?! I went last Summer and STILL talk about it. haha! Can't wait to see more of your photos!

Jessica said...

This sounds like an amazing trip!! We will definitely have to explore Canada some day...

Courtney said...

Gorgeous photo! You are so talented Sheena.

Christal said...

I love this picture! We've also been in Utah, Montana, and Alberta this summer! You've just reminded me that I need to take more pictures here!

Heidi said...

Gorgeous! I'd love to see some more pictures :) I live in BC, kind of between Banff and the Idaho border(actually around Kootenay lake if you've been there) - it's nice seeing such gorgeous pictures from around home! :)